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Audio, Radio New Zealand

The number of speed camera tickets being issued skyrockets, police say it's about road safety, the AA's not so sure. Crisis talks in Europe over the Greek debt crisis... and its impact on the Eurozone and there were angry scenes at a Christchurch meeting last night as residents tried to stop a dump for earthquake debris being built in their suburb.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Blended learning plays an important role in many tertiary institutions but little has been written about the implementation of blended learning in times of adversity, natural disaster or crisis. This paper describes how, in the wake of the 22 February Canterbury earthquake, five teacher educators responded to crisis-driven changing demands and changing directions. Our narratives describe how blended learning provided students in initial teacher education programmes with some certainty and continuity during a time of civil emergency. The professional learning generated from our experiences provides valuable insights for designing and preparing for blended learning in times of crisis, as well as developing resilient blended learning programmes for the future.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

After more major earthquakes in Christchurch this week, Bishop Victoria Matthews fears her clergy, and the people, are facing 'exaustion of the spirit'. She says it's important to keep alive hope, and thanksgiving for all that we still have - even in the face of loss and crisis.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Legal aid changes incense legal fraternity, No eftpos available at Rugby World Cup, Japan says radiation declining but crisis matches Chernobyl, Government budgets $8.5 billion to rebuild Christchurch, Unanimous support over earthquake powers breaks down, and Maori Party MP says using police in oil protest extreme.