Time stopped on the Christchurch central railway station when the earthquake struck at 4:35am. Yeah Ok the clock was a running a little slow.
This corner building ( Askos)has been demolished and the ones attached soon to ne
The clock face on the left is showing the correct time. The clock face on the right stopped at the moment of the big earthquake in CHCH on Sept 4th at 4.25am. It stayed like that for a week until fixed. Interestingly that face has not shown the correct time since.
The clock on New Regent Street. A crack runs down the edge of the parapet, showing how the buildings have moved. The clock has stopped at the time of the earthquake.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch mayor Bob Parker surveys the earthquake damage to the Science Alive/old train station building on Moorhouse Avenue. The clock tower has large cracks and the clock itself stopped at the time the earthquake hit".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch mayor Bob Parker surveys the earthquake damage to the Science Alive/old train station building on Moorhouse Avenue. The clock tower has large cracks and the clock itself stopped at the time the earthquake hit".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch mayor Bob Parker surveys the earthquake damage to the Science Alive/old train station building on Moorhouse Avenue. The clock tower has large cracks and the clock itself stopped at the time the earthquake hit".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker surveys the earthquake damage to the Science Alive building (previously the old train station) on Moorhouse Avenue. The clock tower has large cracks and the clock itself stopped at the time the earthquake hit".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker surveys the earthquake damage to the Science Alive building (previously the old train station) on Moorhouse Avenue. The clock tower has large cracks and the clock itself stopped at the time the earthquake hit".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker surveys the earthquake damage to the Science Alive building (previously the old train station) on Moorhouse Avenue. The clock tower has large cracks and the clock itself stopped at the time the earthquake hit".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "New Brighton clock tower showing the time that the earthquake struck".
It is hard to imagine the destruction which surrounds this area on such a beautiful clear calm sunny spring morning, It seems as if Christchuch has changed forever. I wonder how long it will take us to recover.
Clock Tower at old ChCh central Train station (Now movie theatre and science alive activity centre)
Clock Tower at old ChCh central Train station (Now movie theatre and science alive activity centre)
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Mayor Bob Parker checks his watch before starting the earthquake-stopped clock at Science Alive".
Clock Tower at old ChCh central Train station (Now movie theatre and science alive activity centre) Cracked.. Badly