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Articles, Christchurch uncovered

Presenting a selection of children’s ceramic plates and cups excavated in Christchurch for your perusal, with commentary. Jessie Garland References Riley, Noel., 1991. Gifts for Good Children: The History of Children’s China, Part 1, 1790-1890. Richard Dennis, Somerset.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Christchurch has experienced a series of over 13,500 earthquakes between September 2010 and January 2012. Some children who have been exposed to earthquakes may experience post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms (PTSD) including difficulty concentrating, feeling anxious, restlessness and confusion. Other children may be resilient to the effects of disaster. Western models of resilience relate to a child’s social support and their capacity to cope. The Māori model of wellbeing relates to whanau (family), wairua (spiritual connections), tinana (the physical body) and hinengaro (the mind and emotions). Children’s concepts of helping, caring and learning may provide insight into resilience without introducing the topic of earthquakes into the conversation, which in itself may provoke an episode of stress. Many researchers have studied the effects of earthquakes on children. However, few studies have examined positive outcomes and resilience or listened to the children’s voices. The objective of this study was to listen to the voices of children who experienced the Canterbury earthquake period in order to gain a deeper understanding of the ideas associated resilience. Individual interviews were conducted with 17 five-year-old participants during their first term of primary school. After the interviews, the teacher shared demographic information and reports on the children’s stress and coping. Six children were identified as New Zealand European and eleven children identified as New Zealand Māori. Children had different views of helping, caring and learning. Themes of resilience from Western and Kaupapa Māori models were identified in transcripts of the children's voices and drawings. Māori children voiced more themes of resilience associated with the Western model, and in the Tapa Whā model, Māori children's transcripts were more likely to be inclusive of all four components of well-being. How five-year-old children, having experienced an earthquake disaster during their preschool years, talk or draw pictures about helping, caring and learning can provide insight into resilience, especially in situations where it is not advisable to re-traumatise children by discussing the disaster event. Future research should interview parents/caregivers and whānau to gain further insights. Considering information from both a Western and a Tapa Whā perspective can also provide new insights into resilience in young children. A limitation of this study is that qualitative studies are not always free from a researcher’s interpretation and are, therefore, subjective.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Children are often overlooked in the aftermath of a natural disaster, and children’s use of coping strategies plays an important part in their post-disaster adaptation (Vernberg, La Greca, Silverman, & Prinstein, 1996). The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the coping strategies of children with adequate self-regulation skills and minimal behaviour problems, living in Christchurch following the major 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. This aim was achieved through the use of semi-structured interviews with five seven-year-old children, their parents, and their teachers. These interviews were analysed using Directed Content Analysis and results showed that children most often reported using active and adaptive coping strategies, followed by avoidant strategies. Results in the current literature regarding children’s coping suggest that children exposed to natural disasters are able to utilise strategies that involve some personal control over their environment and emotions, through the use of active and adaptive coping strategies. Findings from this study contribute to the current understanding of children’s use of coping strategies when faced with commonly occurring childhood upsets. Further research is required regarding the outcomes associated with the use of effective coping strategies following traumatic events.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

How do you help your children understand the gravity of the Christchurch earthquake without them becoming too frightened or overwhelmed, and helping those children who've experienced the quake to move on.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Five years on from the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes, research has shown an increase in hyperarousal symptoms in school children. While Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is currently the gold standard for treating Post-Traumatic Stress, there are insufficient clinicians to treat the high numbers of children in post-disaster communities. Alternative non-verbal interventions in school based settings that target the physiological basis of hyperarousal may be more effective for long term stress reduction in some young children. Neuroscience research suggests that drawing activates brain areas connected with the autonomic nervous system, resulting in relaxation and self-regulation. The aim of the current study was to determine whether a 20-minute drawing lesson during the afternoon of the school day would reduce stress in children with hyperarousal symptoms. The study had a single subject ABA design. Four children participated, two of the children exhibited hyperarousal symptoms, and the other two did not, as determined by teacher and parent responses on the Behaviour Problem Index (BPI). The children’s selfreported stress (measured by the Subjective Unit of Distress (SUD) thermometer) and physiological stress (measured by finger temperature) were recorded at the start and end of each session during baseline, drawing lessons, and return to baseline phases. The results of the study showed a general reduction in physiological stress during the drawing lessons for the children with hyperarousal symptoms. However, the results indicated some discrepancies between the children’s physiological stress and perception of stress, which may suggest that the self-report measure was inappropriate for the children in this study. Overall, the study suggests that drawing lessons show promise as a school-based intervention for reducing stress in children with hyperarousal. More research is required to address the limitations of the present study, and before the study can be applied to the whole classroom as a positive strategy for managing stress at school.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is promising help for Tongan children traumatised by Cyclone Gita and says New Zealand was too slow responding to children caught up in the Christchurch earthquakes. Ms Ardern spent the day in Nuku'alofa where she went to a school that was badly damaged from the cyclone last month. RNZ political reporter Mei Heron is in Tonga.

Videos, NZ On Screen

New Zealand television's longest running children's show turns 30 with a two hour live extravaganza — far removed from its modest, half hour beginnings back in 1981. Current hosts Charlie, Johnson and Gem are joined by a parade of past presenters who reminisce, and compete to find the show's best decade. Masterchef finalist Jax Hamilton provides snacks, and celebrities send greetings. In amongst the cupcakes, gunge, fart jokes and mayhem, the programme enters its fourth decade as an institution, watched by the children of its original audience.