A temporary (5year) construction of giant cardboard tubes to be in use until the new or restored Christ Church Cathedral is back in the Square
Christchurch's Cardboard Cathedral was designed as a temporary structure to fill the void left by the damage caused to Christ Church Cathedral in the 2011 earthquake.
The temporary (10 years?) and cheap ($4-6 million) Anglican Cathedral being built a few hundred meters away from the old stone structure that was the centre of Christchurch. Both buildings (the original and this) have caused a lot of controversy, many wanting the old stone one to be repaired (the church want to demolish it), and this as a waste ...
The temporary "Cardboard Cathedral" under construction.
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 11 December 2012 entitled, "Cardboard Cathedral".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 13 February 2013 entitled, "Cardboard Cathedral".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 1 December 2012 entitled, "Cardboard Christmas".
An entry from Gallivanta's blog for 13 January 2013 entitled, "I worship in cardboard".
A couple of city blocks away from the now damaged Cathedral a temporary $4million cathedral has been built using large cardboard tubes and sheeting.
A page banner promoting an article titled, "Cardboard cathedral?".
A page banner promoting an article titled, "Cardboard Cathedral".
The Anglican church is considering whether to sell Christchurch's cardboard cathedral to plug a shortfall in the budget for restoring the original descimated in the earthquakes. The church leadership will discuss the future of the cardboard building during meetings at the weekend. It opened opposite Latimer square in 2013 as a temporary place of worship, but soom became popular with tourists too. Meanwhile a 2017 estimate put the cost of restoring the actual Cathedral at just over $100 million, but that's since ballooned to north of $155 million. Harcourts real estate agent, Mark O'Loughlin, speaks to Lisa Owen from Christchurch. [embed] https://players.brightcove.net/6093072280001/default_default/index.html?videoId=6336786667112
The title is 'Cardboard cathedral proposed...' The cartoon shows the Christchurch Cathedral completed with cardboard boxes and a spire made of used toilet rolls. A puppy is in the process of unwinding toilet paper from the last roll. On an earlier part of the roof stand cardboard cutouts of the Christchurch wizard and maybe the mayor, Bob Parker. Context: A design for a temporary cathedral has been outlined by renowned Japanese architect Shigeru Ban. The proposed $4 million temporary replacement for Christchurch's destroyed cathedral made of shipping containers and cardboard has been met with scepticism from residents of the quake-hit city who wonder whether another church is really what the city needs right now. (3 News 1 August 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The temporary Transitional Cathedral, also known as the Cardboard Cathedral, under construction in Latimer Square.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Earthquake. Damage in Dallington. Cardboard sign on liquefaction silt pile reads 'Free'".
Martin Setchell, the organist, is shown playing a mouth organ made out of cardboard tubes. This is a comment on the controversy over the replacement of Christchurch Cathedral, which was severely damaged in the Canterbury earthquakes of 2010 and 2011, by a temporary building made out of cardboard tubing. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A video of architect Shigeru Ban overseeing the construction of the cardboard beams which will be used to build the Transitional Cathedral on Hereford Street. The video includes an interview with Ban about the beams, and the ways that the design has changed since the construction started.
A graphic showing details of the window of the Transitional Cathedral.
About 700 people packed Christchurch's Cardboard Cathedral last night to hear from a panel of experts on why, four years after the big earthquake, they're still waiting for their homes to be rebuilt.
Shows a number of rental possibilities like a waterfront, a kennel, a wheelie bin, a parkbench, tress, the cardboard cathedral when it is no longer required and a sewage pipe. Context: The problem over lack of rental accomodation after the earthquakes. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Refers to the rebuilding of Christchurch after the earthquakes. Shown are a cardboard 'weetbix' box, a condom brothel that gives great protection, a pile of rolls of toilet paper, the 'popcorn hotel' expands in microwave, the 'Milo' building, soft but reinforced with iron', and the 'styrofoam chalice'. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A PDF copy of pages 88-89 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Christchurch Transitional Cathedral'. Photos with permission: The Anglican Church
Two cardboard coffee cups in a takeaway tray sit on a wooden counter. The photographer comments, "What is the story of these coffees and that sad muffin? Were these an order when the earthquake struck Christchurch on 22 February 2011? Were these a workman's and a colleague's having a quick coffee break when a later aftershock caused them to leave everything behind when they fled the red zoned building, or were they just forgotten when the building was cleared out and abandoned?".
A protest sign painted on a fence shows an image of the cathedral spire and the words "Save + restore, stone by precious stone!" The photographer comments, "The Christchurch Cathedral got very badly damaged in the earthquake. It was being demolished down to a safe level before a major protest managed to stop it going too far. There is still an ongoing debate on what to do with the Cathedral. In the meantime a cardboard cathedral made out of a steel framework and massive toilet roll tubes is being constructed close by. This is to the right of the protest about the closure of Christchurch schools".