
found 68 results

Images, Canterbury Museum

A piece of pink card folded in half with the name Rhys on the front and, inside, a message from the Bell family. A piece of red ribbon is tied in a bow around the centre of the card. In memorial of

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A man reads a sign posted on the door of the Christchurch Art Gallery, which reads "The gallery is currently closed to the public". The photographer comments, "Red Carded - A red-coloured card shown by a referee to a player, especially in soccer, to indicate that the player is being ejected from the pitch. The Christchurch Art Gallery has left the building. All the current and future exhibitions of the Art Gallery are being mainly held out of doors".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a Christmas card design. The front of the card shows a family of 'All Righties' sharing kai and the inside of the card reads, "Merry Christmas. Meri Kirihimete". The card also includes a personal message from David Meates, CDHB Chief Executive. In this Meates thanks the card's recipients and encourages them to prioritise their own wellbeing in language suggestive of the All Right? campaign.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of four thank you cards for All Right? volunteers. On the first card, the front of the card reads, "You're the cat's pyjamas." The middle of the card is blank. The back of the card reads, "Being grateful for the small things can make a big difference to our relationships and the way we feel".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of four thank you cards for All Right? volunteers. On the first card, the front of the card reads, "You're the cat's pyjamas." The middle of the card reads, "Go on... Enjoy a wee cafe pick-me-up on us!" The back of the card reads, "Being grateful for the small things can make a big difference to our relationships and the way we feel".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

An PDF copy of the back of All Right? Pacific playing cards. In the centre of the card is the CPH Pacific Health logo, three interwoven traditional bands and a red band in a star-like shape. The card-back also includes the All Right? logo.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of five Tiny Adventures cards that incorporate Maori culture and language. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a pack of 22 Tiny Adventures cards. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of the front and back of a pack of Tiny Adventures cards. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a pack of 23 Tiny Adventures cards. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a pack of 21 Tiny Adventures cards. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a pack of 21 Tiny Adventures cards. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a Christmas card from 'Take a Breather', featuring a message by CDHB Chief Executive David Meates. The front design features a plethora of everyday and Christmas-themed images surrounding the words, "Take a breather... Canterbury's a busy place. What could you do to recharge?". The inside reads, "Merry Christmas. Meri Kirihimete." It also includes a message from David Meates encouraging the recipient to take a breather and have a safe and enjoyable holiday season.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a Christmas card from 'Take a Breather', featuring a message by CDHB Chief Executive David Meates. The front design features a plethora of everyday and Christmas-themed images surrounding the words, "Take a breather... Canterbury's a busy place. What could you do to recharge?". The inside reads, "Merry Christmas. Meri Kirihimete." It also includes a message from David Meates encouraging the recipient to take a breather and have a safe and enjoyable holiday season.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

An PDF copy of the All Right? Pacific playing cards box template. The front of the box includes the CPH Pacific Health logo, and reads, "It's all right to love your Pacific culture." The back of the box also includes the Pacific Health logo and reads, "Communication is the heartbeat of healthy family relationships".