from Gloucester St.
A photograph looking across a cleared building site in Cathedral Square. On the building ahead, the silhouette of a previously-neighbouring building has been created by exposed bricks.
A photograph of the shape left on a building on Manchester Street, created by a lack of paint on the exposed wall where the neighbouring building has been demolished. Julia Holden has termed this shape a 'ghost building'.
A photograph of the shape left on a building on Manchester Street, created by a lack of paint on the exposed wall where the neighbouring building has been demolished. Julia Holden has termed this shape a 'ghost building'.
A photograph of a building on High Street, surrounded by cleared building sites. There is an excavator behind the building.
A view of the High to Hereford food court building from Hereford Street.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The Telecom building, the Old Exchange Building and the Old Post Office are all in this photo as well as the Millennium Hotel and a few cranes".
A photograph of the side of the Caffe Roma building on Oxford Terrace. The neighbouring building has been demolished and its silhouette has been created by a lack of paint on the exposed wall. Julia Holden has termed this shape a 'ghost building'.
A photograph of the side of the Caffe Roma building on Oxford Terrace. The neighbouring building has been demolished and its silhouette has been created by a lack of paint on the exposed wall. Julia Holden has termed this shape a 'ghost building'.
Damaged buildings and empty demolition sites. The building on the left has had tarpaulins placed on it to prevent weather damage to the inside of the building.
An aerial photograph of the historic BNZ building on Williams Street in Kaiapoi.
The C.F. Cotter & Co building stands alone, with the buildings on either side having been demolished. A sign on the building reads "Buy me don't bowl me!
The C.F. Cotter & Co building on High Street. Security fencing has been placed around the building to restrict access. Weeds are growing on the vacant construction lot next to the building.
An entry from Roz Johnson's blog for 5 August 2013 entitled, "Colourful Canterbury Brewery Building Going".
A photograph of a model of a WikiHouse building on display in the CPSA building at CPIT. A demonstration and hands-on building workshop, titled Go Ahead... Make Your Space, was held at CPIT as part of FESTA 2013.
A photograph of the base pieces of a WikiHouse building in the CPSA building at CPIT. A demonstration and hands-on building workshop, titled Go Ahead... Make Your Space, was held at CPIT as part of FESTA 2013.
Friday 22 February 2013. File reference: CCL-2013 -02-22-IMG_4026 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
This will open up the street to the Avon River
A photograph of the shape left on a building on the corner of Colombo Street and Gloucester Street, where the neighbouring building has been demolished. Julia Holden has termed this a 'ghost building'. In front of this is a pop-up garden and seating area, installed by Greening The Rubble.
A photograph of the shape left on a building on the corner of Colombo Street and Gloucester Street, where the neighbouring building has been demolished. Julia Holden has termed this a 'ghost building'. In front of this is a pop-up garden and seating area, installed by Greening The Rubble.
A photograph of the shape left on a building on the corner of Colombo Street and Gloucester Street, where the neighbouring building has been demolished. Julia Holden has termed this a 'ghost building'. In front of this is a pop-up garden and seating area, installed by Greening The Rubble.
A photograph of the shape left on a building on the corner of Colombo Street and Gloucester Street, where the neighbouring building has been demolished. Julia Holden has termed this a 'ghost building'. In front of this is a pop-up garden and seating area, installed by Greening The Rubble.
A faded sign reading, 'McCormic Reapers & Binders' painted onto the side of a brick building, revealed by the demolition of the adjoining building. Wooden pallets have been placed at the front of the building.
A photograph of the Christchurch City Council car park building on Madras Street. The bottom windows of the building have been boarded up and the building has been fenced off.
Paintwork on the side of a building in High Street exposed by the demolition of the adjoining building. The photographer comments, "I'm fascinated by the 'shadows' left behind on the sides of buildings by their neighbours".
A PDF copy of The Star newspaper, published on Wednesday 6 November 2013.
A photograph of a badly-damaged building on Manchester Street, which previously housed the Treehouse bar and nightclub. The roof and second storey of the building have been temporarily repaired and the building is fenced off.
A photograph of an advertising image in the window of Sugar Hair and Beauty, on the ground floor of the Inland Revenue Building.
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Rapaki Property Group building".