A photograph of a digger bucket next to a pile of rubble on Hereford Street.
A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 59. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A thumbnail photograph of Whole House Reuse item 59, cropped for the catalogue. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A photograph looking east down Dundas Street. Piles of twisted steel reinforcement have been placed on both sides of the street. Several earthquake-damaged cars, recovered from the Smiths City car park, have been stacked on the left. On the other side of the street is an excavator grapple and bucket. In the distance two excavators are sorting through the rubble.
A house in Richmond being demolished. The diggers bucket is being hosed down to prevent dust. The photographer comments, "The end of 393 River Rd".
A house in Richmond being demolished. All but the front wall has been demolished, and a crane bucket looms over the roof. The photographer comments, "The end of 393 River Rd".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "This brand new digger bucket on Gloucester Street still has the delivery label attached. The label says it weighs 1380kg, about the weight of an average family car".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "This brand new digger bucket on Gloucester Street still has the delivery label attached. The label says it weighs 1380kg, about the weight of an average family car".
A view down Gloucester Street in the aftermath of the February 2011 earthquake, showing damage to Wave House (formerly the Trade Union building). In the sky above a helicopter can be seen carrying a monsoon bucket that was used to put out flames in the Canterbury Television building.
Earthquake victims wrapped in blankets at the medical centre set up in Latimer Square. A tent in the background has been set up for shelter, and stretchers and medical supplies are stacked up beside it. Avove, a helicopter can be seen carrying a monsoon bucket filled with water to put out fire at the Canterbury Television building.
A photograph of boxes and buckets of broken china stacked in a room. Labels on the storage containers indicate that the china has been organised by colour, pattern, and texture.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "The results of a lot of hard work. Sorted and boxed china nearly a year after beginning."