A conference paper prepared for the 4th Australasian Engineering Heritage Conference which outlines the challenges faced by SCIRT when repairing the Armagh Bridge, Colombo Bridge and Antigua Bridge.
A run sheet which details who will do what at the opening of the Gloucester Street bridge.
A document containing photographs of SCIRT's Armagh Street bridge repairs.
A video which describes the history of the bridge and SCIRT's repair methodology.
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury, NZ. Footbridge over Avon river, Christchurch
A public relations flyer which outlines the repairs undertaken on the Gloucester Street bridge.
A document which details Downer's approach to heritage management when repairing the Armagh Street bridge.
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury (area covers Christchurch City) NZ. Damage to bridge on Spencerville Road crossing the Lower Styx river.
A document which describes the processes that SCIRT took when repairing some of Christchurch's heritage bridges.
A car drives onto the damaged Dallington bridge. The bridge has visibly moved relative to the road, there is a large gap at the side of the bridge, and the railings are warped. The photographer comments, "Dallington Bridge northern approach, Gayhurst Rd".
A car drives onto the damaged Dallington bridge. The bridge has visibly moved relative to the road, there is a large gap at the side of the bridge, and the railings are warped. The photographer comments, "Dallington Bridge northern approach, Gayhurst Rd".
A man takes a photograph of the damaged Dallington bridge. The bridge has visibly moved relative to the road, there is a large gap at the side of the bridge, and the railings are warped. The photographer comments, "Dallington Bridge, north side".
A car drives onto the damaged Dallington bridge. The bridge has visibly moved relative to the road, there is a large gap at the side of the bridge, and the railings are warped. The photographer comments, "Dallington Bridge, north side".
Posters which describe the earthquake damage, planned restoration methods and historic information about the Bridge of Remembrance and Memorial Arch. These posters were hung on the fencing around the Bridge and Arch to inform the public about the work taking place.
An award application for the Civil Contractors NZ Hirepool Construction Excellence Awards 2015 which details Downer's approach to repairing the Armagh Street bridge.
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury NZ. Bridge Street, South Brighton, Christchurch.
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Christchurch, NZ. Footbridge over Avon river
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury NZ. Bridge Street, South Brighton, Christchurch.
Posters created for Beca Heritage Week 2014, outlining SCIRT's repair work on the Armagh Street and Colombo Street bridges in the Central City. They were hung on the bridges for members of the public to read during SCIRT's walk and talk tours.
A report which details the archaeological monitoring carried out during the course of SCIRT project 11136, repairs to the Gloucester Street bridge.
A web story about a site visit to the Bridge and Arch by local school pupils.
A vehicle drives onto the damaged Dallington bridge. The land has slumped relative to the bridge, leaving the approach road at a steep incline. The photographer comments, "Dallington Bridge northern approach, Gayhurst Rd".
A car drives onto the damaged Dallington bridge. The bridge has visibly moved relative to the road, there is a large gap at the side of the bridge, and the railings are warped.
A vehicle drives onto the damaged Dallington bridge. The land has slumped relative to the bridge, leaving the approach road at a steep incline. The photographer comments, "Dallington Bridge northern approach, Gayhurst Rd".
A presentation prepared by SCIRT's Downer Communciation Lead, providing an overview of the community engagement carried out by the Downer Team during the restoration of the Bridge and Arch.
People look through the cordon fencing on the Bridge of Remembrance. The Grand Chancellor can be seen through the arch of the bridge. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Grand Chancellor Hotel through the Bridge of Remembrance".
A car drives across the damaged Dallington bridge. The bridge has visibly moved relative to the road, leaving a large gap, which road cones have been placed in. The photographer comments, "Service pipes snapped as the land sank but the bridge remained".
A car drives across the damaged Dallington bridge. The bridge has visibly moved relative to the road, leaving a large gap, which road cones have been placed in. The photographer comments, "Service pipes snapped as the land sank but the bridge remained".
A series of communication updates provided by SCIRT's Downer Delivery Team to the Christchurch City Council. These updates detailed the progress of the Arch and Bridge restoration. The updates were produced between 28 June 2013 and 8 September 2015.
People look through the cordon fencing on the Bridge of Remembrance. The Grand Chancellor can be seen through the arch of the bridge.