In High St - old Poplar lane area
A photograph of street art on the partially-demolished wall of the Odeon Theatre. The photograph believes that the artwork was created by the artist Owen Dippie.
A photograph of street art on the partially-demolished walls of the Odeon Theatre.
A photograph of street art on the partially-demolished wall of the Odeon Theatre. The photograph believes that the artwork was created by the artist Owen Dippie.
A photograph of street art on the partially-demolished wall of the Odeon Theatre. The photograph believes that the artwork was created by the artist Owen Dippie. There is a crane in the background.
A photograph of a detail of street art on a building in New Brighton. The artwork consists of political and earthquake-related newspaper clippings pasted to a brick wall.
A photograph of a detail of street art on a building in New Brighton. The artwork consists of political and earthquake-related newspaper clippings pasted to a brick wall.
A photograph of street art on a brick wall near the corner of Alfred Street and Fitzgerald Avenue. The photographer believes that the artwork was created by the artist 'Paulie'.
A photograph of street art in Sydenham behind the Waverley lounge. The art is partially obstructed by an unconnected pipe and depicts four blue bricks, three pink diamonds, three yellow scratches, and a line of blue, pink, and black bubbles.
A photograph of the interior of the partially-demolished Odeon Theatre. The top of the walls have been demolished and a nearby building on Manchester Street is visible in the background. Elephants have been painted on the wall of this building.
A photograph of the interior of the partially-demolished Odeon Theatre. The top of the walls have been demolished, and a nearby building on Manchester Street is visible in the background. Elephants have been painted on the closest wall of this building.
Unrestrained unreinforced clay brick masonry (URM) parapets are found atop a large number of vintage URM buildings. Parapets are typically non-structural cantilevered wall elements that form a fire barrier and in most cases form decorative and ornamental features of vintage URM buildings. Parapets are considered to be one of the most vulnerable elements that are prone to out-of-plane collapse when subjected to earthquake induced shaking. An in-depth analysis of the damage database collected following the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes was performed to obtain information about the distribution, characteristics and observed performance of both the as-built and retrofitted parapets in the Christchurch region. Results, statistical interpretation and implications are presented herein. http://www.aees.org.au/downloads/conference-papers/2015-2/
Churches are an important part of New Zealand's historical and architectural heritage. Various earthquakes around the world have highlighted the significant seismic vulnerability of religious buildings, with the extensive damage that occurred to stone and clay-brick unreinforced masonry churches after the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes emphasising the necessity to better understand this structural type. Consequently, a country-wide inventory of unreinforced masonry churches is here identified. After a bibliographic and archival investigation, and a 10 000 km field trip, it is estimated that currently 297 unreinforced masonry churches are present throughout New Zealand, excluding 12 churches demolished in Christchurch because of heavy damage sustained during the Canterbury earthquake sequence. The compiled database includes general information about the buildings, their architectural features and structural characteristics, and any architectural and structural transformations that have occurred in the past. Statistics about the occurrence of each feature are provided and preliminary interpretations of their role on seismic vulnerability are discussed. The list of identified churches is reported in annexes, supporting their identification and providing their address.
As part of a seismic retrofit scheme, surface bonded glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) fabric was applied to two unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings located in Christchurch, New Zealand. The unreinforced stone masonry of Christchurch Girls’ High School (GHS) and the unreinforced clay brick masonry Shirley Community Centre were retrofitted using surface bonded GFRP in 2007 and 2009, respectively. Much of the knowledge on the seismic performance of GFRP retrofitted URM was previously assimilated from laboratory-based experimental studies with controlled environments and loading schemes. The 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence provided a rare opportunity to evaluate the GFRP retrofit applied to two vintage URM buildings and to document its performance when subjected to actual design-level earthquake-induced shaking. Both GFRP retrofits were found to be successful in preserving architectural features within the buildings as well as maintaining the structural integrity of the URM walls. Successful seismic performance was based on comparisons made between the GFRP retrofitted GHS building and the adjacent nonretrofitted Boys’ High School building, as well as on a comparison between the GFRP retrofitted and nonretrofitted walls of the Shirley Community Centre building. Based on detailed postearthquake observations and investigations, the GFRP retrofitted URM walls in the subject buildings exhibited negligible to minor levels of damage without delamination, whereas significant damage was observed in comparable nonretrofitted URM walls. AM - Accepted Manuscript