A photograph looking down Poplar Street towards the Lichfield Street entrance. Both entrances have been cordoned off with wire fences and barbed wire due to the earthquake damage.
A photograph looking down Poplar Street towards the Lichfield Street entrance. Both entrances have been cordoned off with wire fences and barbed wire due to the earthquake damage.
A photograph of the Treehouse Bar on Manchester Street with a mannequin still on the balcony. The street has been closed off with wire fencing topped with barbed wire.
A photograph of coiled barbed wire on Hawke Street, New Brighton.
A photograph looking down Poplar Street towards the Lichfield Street entrance. Both entrances have been cordoned off with wire fences and barbed wire due to the earthquake damage.
A photograph looking down Poplar Street towards the Lichfield Street entrance. Both entrances have been cordoned off with wire fences and barbed wire due to the earthquake damage.
A photograph of coils of razor wire on a fence in New Brighton. The photographer comments, "Street art? Maybe not".
A photograph of earthquake-damaged buildings on Tuam Street. Buildings have been cordoned off with wire fencing and the entrance to Poplar Lane is barricaded with barbed wire and wooden frames.
A photograph showing a plywood barrier with barbed wire, blocking the entrance to Struthers Lane from Manchester Street.
The PricewaterhouseCoopers demolition site on Armagh Street viewed through a barbed wire fence. Water has filled the basement area.
A barbed wire guitar sculpture hangs from the roof of Stephen String Instruments on the corner of Dublin Street and Norwich Quay in Lyttelton.
St John's Anglican Church in Hororata with a broken bell tower. Unfortunately the top fell through the church roof. A high fence topped with barbed wire has since been erected to keep the souvenir hunters away.
The top frame shows the barbed wire and watch tower of a prison. There is a comment about someone wanting the warmth of a prison cell. The second frame shows prison staff chatting at cross purposes about a petition from Christchurch with homes wrecked by earthquake pleading to be allowed to live in prison and the sentence imposed on the Bridgecorp directors who have been accused of defrauding investors. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).