A video of an interview with Defence Counsel Jonathan Eaton about the police's refusal to allow diversion for alleged-looter Cornelius Arie Smith-Voorkamp. Smith-Voorkamp was arrested for allegedly taking light fittings from an earthquake-damaged property on Lincoln Road. Diversion was applied for on the basis that Smith-Voorkamp has autism, and his Asperger's syndrome involves a compulsion to take electrical fittings.
Does religion make you less scared of death, what can liquefaction in Christchurch tell us about earthquakes, and can autism be treated with zinc?
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Darfield family, the Carters, have two kids, one with autism and the other with Aspergers. Cameron, 11, has Aspergers and is doing a fundraising walk from Darfield to Christchurch to raise money for St John's church in Hororata which was badly damaged".
A review of the week's news including: Continuing industrial trouble at Ports Of Auckland, the National Road Policing manager Paula Rose on holiday road toll figures, Southland faces drought conditions, researchers come up with a solution that could lower the cost of rebuilding the earthquake devastated Christchurch CBD, a 24 year old woman with autism wins a 2011 attitude award for raising awareness of the condition, New Zealand Tasman Sea rowers hope to finally make some progress and how they celebrate New year at the bottom of the World.