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Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Earthquake visit: The Governor General and the Right Hon. Sir Anand Satyanand enjoy a cup of tea with Waimakariri district councillors, residents and Earthquake Recovery Assistance Centre staff last Thursday. The Governor General was in the district to offer support and encouragement".

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Topics - Facebook coordinates students to provide assistance after the Christchurch earthquake, the Web is dead. Long Live the Internet Bits and Bobs, parents use 'digital' grounding as a 21st century disciplinary tool, Gmail Priority Inbox Sorts Your Email For You, introducing Wikileakileaks: Your Source for Wikileaks-Related Leaks and Melbourne computer hacker turned whistleblower extraordinaire Julian Assange is under pressure from within WikiLeaks to step down.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Topics - Facebook coordinates students to provide assistance after the Christchurch earthquake and 'The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet'. Bits and Bobs - Parents use 'digital' grounding as a 21st century disciplinary tool, Gmail Priority Inbox Sorts Your Email For You, introducing Wikileakileaks: Your Source for Wikileaks-Related Leaks and Melbourne computer hacker turned whistleblower extraordinaire Julian Assange is under pressure from within WikiLeaks to step down.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a sign taped to the lamp post in front of Sonya Smith Atelier on Colombo Street. The sign reads, "Danger, keep out, restricted area". A yellow sticker on the front door also indicates that access to the building is restricted. A handwritten sign on the door reads, "Cannot open safely until structure is checked. Please ring Sonya if needing any more assistance. Sonya. Keep safe".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a sign taped to the lamp post in front of Sonya Smith Atelier on Colombo Street. The sign reads, "Danger, keep out, restricted area". A yellow sticker on the front door also indicates that access to the building is restricted. A handwritten sign on the door reads, "Cannot open safely until structure is checked. Please ring Sonya if needing any more assistance. Sonya. Keep safe".

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The University of Canterbury Dept. of Chemistry has weathered the Canterbury Earthquake of September 4, 2010 very well due to a combination of good luck, good planning and dedicated effort. We owe a great deal to university Emergency Response Team and Facilities Management Personnel. The overall emergency preparedness of the university was tested to a degree far beyond anything else in its history and shown to be well up to scratch. A strong cooperative relationship between the pan-campus controlling body and the departmental response teams greatly facilitated our efforts. Information and assistance was provided promptly, as and when we needed it without unnecessary bureaucratic overheads. At the departmental level we are indebted to the technical staff who implemented the invaluable pre-quake mitigation measures and carried the majority of the post-quake clean-up workload. These people put aside their personal concerns and anxieties at a time when magnitude-5 aftershocks were still a regular occurrence.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

1. Dr RUSSEL NORMAN to the Minister of Trade: Does he still consider that the United States will benefit from being part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership; if so, how? 2. Hon PHIL GOFF to the Prime Minister: Does he believe that all persons who have served as Ministers in his Government have met the requirement of the Cabinet Manual to behave in a way that upholds, and is seen to uphold, the highest ethical standards in their ministerial capacity, their political capacity and their personal capacity; if so, why? 3. CRAIG FOSS to the Minister of Finance: What reports has he received on the Government's financial position? 4. Hon ANNETTE KING to the Minister of Tourism: How many full-time permanent jobs has his cycleway project created? 5. JONATHAN YOUNG to the Minister for Communications and Information Technology: What progress has been made on the Ultra-fast broadband initiative? 6. Hon TREVOR MALLARD to the Minister of Education: Which ministers, if any, did she personally consult with on the question of removing the requirement for police checks for employees of limited attendance early childhood centres before she introduced the Education Amendment Bill (No 2)? 7. AARON GILMORE to the Minister of Revenue: What examples can he give of families claiming social assistance for which they are not entitled and what has this Government done to stop this abuse? 8. Hon DAVID CUNLIFFE to the Minister of Finance: How much lower will the growth forecast be for the year to March 2011 in the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update compared with the Budget 2010 forecast? 9. SHANE ARDERN to the Minister of Agriculture: What recent actions has the Government taken to improve the welfare of pigs in New Zealand? 10. Hon RUTH DYSON to the Minister of Health: Will he act to prevent closure of health services in Taihape? 11. AMY ADAMS to the Minister for Land Information: What steps has Land Information New Zealand taken to help in the rebuilding of Canterbury following the 4 September earthquake? 12. Hon DARREN HUGHES to the Minister of Transport: Which project has the higher benefit cost ratio: the Auckland CBD rail loop or the Puhoi to Wellsford Road of National Significance?