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Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Painted advertising which was revealed when the Grumpy Mole was demolished on the Corner of Cashel and Manchester Streets. The text says 'Printer, lithographer, bookbinder, manufacturer of paper bags, tea packets and cardboard boxes. NZ Agent for making Stevenson's patent leatherboard boxes. Paper merchants, wholesale stationer, account books, Crown printing office'".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A large sign outside QEII stadium advertising a IPC Athletics World Championships event 21-30 January 2011. The photographer comments, "A Sunday afternoon ride to New Brighton, then back via Aranui, Wainoni, Dallington, and Richmond. Not a cheerful experience. QE2 sign. This must have still been in place on Feb 22, 2011. It advertises an athletics meet three weeks earlier".