A photograph of an installation on the corner of Manchester Street and Worcester Street. The installation is titled "Archrobatics", and is part of the LUXCITY event.
A video of a tour of the Christchurch central city Red Zone. The video includes footage of Cambridge Terrace, Kilmore Street, Colombo Street, the Grant Thornton building in Cathedral Square, Worcester Street, ChristChurch Cathedral, the Westende Jewellers Building, and Hereford Street.
A video of the Christchurch central city covered in snow. The video includes footage of the ChristChurch Cathedral, Gloucester Street, New Regent Street, Manchester Street, Latimer Square, Centennial Pool, Armagh Street, McLeans Mansion, Hagley Park, Rolleston Avenue, Worcester Street, the Peacock Fountain in the Botanic Gardens, and Dyers Pass Road.
A video of the demolition of the Radio Network House on Worcester Street. The building was demolished by Controlled Demolition Inc using a controlled implosion.
View down Worcester Street, with Christchurch Art Gallery in the back, and next to it is Worcester Chambers, which housed the Languages International Christchurch.
A video of a press conference about the implosion of Radio Network House on Worcester Street. The video includes statements by Peter LockHart, Bill Johnson, and Warwick Isaacs.
A photograph of crowds at the LUXCITY event. The photograph shows an installation on Worcester Street, with the new Press building in the background. The installation is titled "Murmur".
A video about the 4 September 2010 earthquake, produced for the anniversary of the earthquake. The video includes footage of the earthquake damage to the Christchurch city centre, Darfield, Rolleston, and Hororata. It also includes footage of diggers clearing stock in the Canterbury Brewery on St Asaph Street, engineers checking buildings in town, and a fire on Worcester Street.
A video of a tour of the inside of the Radio Network House on Worcester Street. Maurice Gibbens, demolition supervisor from CERES, and Craig Stracey, operations manger, explain how the building has been prepared for demolition by implosion.
View down Worcester Street, with Christchurch Art Gallery in the back, and next to it is Worcester Chambers, which house the Languages International Christchurch. Part of the Harley's building is visible on the right.
View down Worcester Street, where a section of the Arts Centre is visible.
A fenced off building on the corner of Worcester Street and Stanmore Road.
The NewsTalk ZB building seen from the corner of Latimer Square and Worcester Street.
A photograph of painted fence palings at the Gap Filler Butterfly Gap site.
The Art Centre, at the corner of Worcester Boulevard and Montreal Street behind the cordon fence.
A video of an interview with Helen and Edna Yates about their Worcester Street house which is to be demolished due to earthquake damage. The 96-year-old identical twins lived in the house for 95 years before it was damaged in the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The video includes footage of Helen and Edna visiting the house before it is demolished.
Flowers blooming in a vacant site left by the demolition of a building at the corner of Worcester Street and Stanmore Road.
Flowers blooming in a vacant site left by the demolition of a building at the corner of Worcester Street and Stanmore Road.
A man stands outside the damaged Newstalk ZB building on Worcester Street. Security fencing has been place around the building to restrict access.
A video of the Rally for the Cathedral in Cranmer Square. The video includes footage of Jim Anderton, Mark Belton, Helen Broughton, and former Mayor Garry Moore speaking to the crowd. It also includes footage of people marching down Worcester Street. The Rally for the Cathedral was held on 26 May 2012 to protest the demolition of the ChristChurch Cathedral.
Detail of glowers blooming in a vacant site left by the demolition of a building at the corner of Worcester Street and Stanmore Road.
Detail of flowers blooming in a vacant site left by the demolition of a building at the corner of Worcester Street and Stanmore Road.
An artist's impression of the installation 'eLITE', created as part of the LUXCITY event. Tutors: Cameron Rowe, Kate Rogan
Damaged property that housed the Talon Arms, a Gunsmith store on Worcester Street. On it are some signs that say 'Free bricks here' and 'Guns gone clear'.
Flowers blooming in a vacant site left by the demolition of a building at the corner of Worcester Street and Stanmore Road. On the wall at the back are the words 'Do Not Demo!!'.
Looking down Worcester Street with Our City-O-Tautahi with bracing on its front facade on the left, behind it is Rydges, the Grant Thornton Building in the middle back, and the Claredon Towers on the right.
A photograph of an installation titled 'Murmur'. The installation is part of the LUXCITY event. Tutor: Craig Moller
Looking from the intersection of Worcester Boulevard and Montreal Street. The damaged Arts Centre is in the background with some of its wall boarded up. Going past it is a red Christchurch Sightseeing Tour bus which offers tours of central Christchurch.
A video of a tour of the Christchurch central city Red Zone. The video includes footage of Cambridge Terrace, the Copthorne Hotel on Colombo Street, Gloucester Street, the Government Life Building in Cathedral Square, the Grant Thornton Building in Cathedral Square, the ChristChurch Cathedral, the new Press Building on Gloucester Street, the Design and Arts College building on Worcester Street, the new Westende Jewellers Building, Hereford Street, the Westpac Trust Building, the BNZ Building, the Holiday Inn, Lichfield Street, High Street, and Cathedral Junction.
An artist's impression of the installation 'Tonic', created as part of the LUXCITY event. Tutors: Annabel Pretty, Cesar Wagner, Peter McPherson