Mark Wilson is the Principle of Cashmere High School.
Alison Wilson has run stitching and dressmaking courses in Christchurch for 60 years! At 78 she is still going, with a weekly embroidery course that gives Christchurch women a reprieve from the chaos of the earthquakes. With Alison Wilson, Gina Walsh and Lola Grocott.
Video of Alia Hope-Wilson's earthquake story,captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Suzie Ferguson, Mary Wilson and Hewitt Humphrey host rolling news coverage of the Christchurch Earthquake. The audio used comes from the start of the 6pm hour.
A story submitted by Haydon Wilson to the QuakeStories website.
Students from CPIT on the site of the demolished JetSet lounge. They are building a 1950s style bowling alley for the community to use. They have been photographed from beside the Passing Time sculpture on Wilson Reserve.
Regional civil defence says listen to national centre, not pacific; Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre - "warning" too confusing; Union plans legal action against Earthquake Commission; Auckland DHB avoids possible legal action over smoking complaint; 7.6 quake triggered near Kermadec Islands; NIWA says National Oceans Strategy urgently needed; and 27 Christchurch bakers lose their jobs.
Church bells toll and thousands stand in silence to commemorate the Christchurch earthquake. Petrol prices go up, but the quake damaged city is spared and what was found under a statue in Cathedral Square?
A national memorial service marking the Christchurch earthquake is announced. It could take more than a year for all the victims to be identified and Rocky raises 60 thousand dollars for the relief fund.
More than 800 medals are stolen from the War Memorial Museum in Waiouru. Shares in State Owned Enterprises will be capped at 10 percent and gaps in the government's insurance cover will leave many schools damaged by the earthquakes in Canterbury out of pocket.
The first one struck just before 2 this afternoon and measured 5 point 8 on the Richter scale, and was eight kilometres deep.
NZ SAS troops involved in another gun battle in the Afghan capital Kabul. Another fatal police pursuit, this time, in South Auckland and Police investigate missing cheques for earthquake damage in Christchurch.
The Lawrie & Wilson Auctioneers Building on Tuam Street. USAR codes have been spray painted on the front window.
The Defence Force's deployment in the wake of the Christchurch earthquake is the military's biggest ever domestic operation.
Police have released the names of two more Christchurch earthquake victims as the confirmed death toll rises to 161.
A discussion on the hit to tourism following the Christchurch earthquake and the Japan tsunami. Is the industry and Government moving quickly enough to buffer the countries second biggest export earner against the worst effects?
It's been revealed that the Earthquake Commission knew a wall which crushed two people in Christchurch's February earthquake was at risk of collapsing.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Bedford Row, looking across Lichfield to High Street".
The Project Team were: Simon Wallace (TIA), David Simmons (Lincoln University), Susanne Becken (Lincoln University)The State of the Tourism Sector report is published annually.The Tourism Industry Association of New Zealand’s (TIA) annual State of the Sector 2011 has been prepared in partnership with Lincoln University. The objective of this is to understand better how the tourism sector sees its future and what challenges and opportunities lie ahead in both the short and longer term. State of Sector 2011, alongside the ongoing series of TIA Insights and other consultations that TIA is undertaking in its research work programme, is aimed at informing participants at the Tourism Summit taking place in Wellington on 13 July 2011. This information is a key driver in assisting with the development of the 2011 Tourism Industry Election Manifesto. State of the Sector 2011 also ultimately provides a current view of the tourism sector for those within the industry and for external stakeholders who have an interest in tourism in New Zealand.
Post February 22 Earthquake Damage PWS-2011-03-09-DSC9921
Post February 22 Earthquake Damage PWS-2011-03-09-DSC9922
Some residents in one of Christchurch's worst affected suburbs doubt a new government agency will help their earthquake recovery. An announcement about a new department is expected within days but some of those still severely affected question the setting up of a new bureaucracy.
At 4.35am on Saturday 4 September 2010, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck near the township of Darfield in Canterbury leading to widespread damage in Christchurch and the wider central Canterbury region. Though it was reported no lives were lost, that was not entirely correct. Over 3,000 animals perished as a result of the earthquake and 99% of these deaths would have been avoidable if appropriate mitigation measures had been in place. Deaths were predominantly due to zoological vulnerability of birds in captive production farms. Other problems included lack of provision of animal welfare at evacuation centres, issues associated with multiple lost and found pet services, evacuation failure due to pet separation and stress impact on dairy herds and associated milk production. The Canterbury Earthquake has highlighted concerns over a lack of animal emergency welfare planning and capacity in New Zealand, an issue that is being progressed by the National Animal Welfare Emergency Management Group. As animal emergency management becomes better understood by emergency management and veterinary professionals, it is more likely that both sectors will have greater demands placed upon them by national guidelines and community expectations to ensure provisions are made to afford protection of animals in times of disaster. A subsequent and more devastating earthquake struck the region on Monday 22 February 2011; this article however is primarily focused on the events pertaining to the September 4 event.
Tourism is New Zealand’s fourth largest industry, providing jobs for thousands of New Zealanders and significant foreign capital for the nation’s economy. Of concern to ministry and industry decision makers is the “spatial yield” of these tourists which takes into account the spatial and temporal contributions of their movements in terms of economic, cultural and environmental impacts. We have developed an agent-based model of tourism movements to simulate these impacts and to allow for the evaluation of different scenarios (such as increases in petrol prices or variations in currency exchange rates) on the behaviours of those tourists. In order to develop realistic and grounded heuristics for the model, interview protocols were developed in order to identify the key drivers in tourists’ decision making process.
On 22 February 2011, Canterbury and its largest city Christchurch experienced its second major earthquake within six months. The region is facing major economic and organisational challenges in the aftermath of these events. Approximately 25% of all buildings in the Christchurch CBD have been “red tagged” or deemed unsafe to enter. The New Zealand Treasury estimates that the combined cost of the February earthquake and the September earthquake is approximately NZ$15 billion[2]. This paper examines the national and regional economic climate prior to the event, discusses the immediate economic implications of this event, and the challenges and opportunities faced by organisations affected by this event. In order to facilitate recovery of the Christchurch area, organisations must adjust to a new norm; finding ways not only to continue functioning, but to grow in the months and years following these earthquakes. Some organisations relocated within days to areas that have been less affected by the earthquakes. Others are taking advantage of government subsidised aid packages to help retain their employees until they can make long-term decisions about the future of their organisation. This paper is framed as a “report from the field” in order to provide insight into the early recovery scenario as it applies to organisations affected by the February 2011 earthquake. It is intended both to inform and facilitate discussion about how organisations can and should pursue recovery in Canterbury, and how organisations can become more resilient in the face of the next crisis.
A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck the city of Christchurch at 12:51pm on Tuesday 22 February 2011. The earthquake caused 182 fatalities, a large number of injuries, and resulted in widespread damage to the built environment, including significant disruption to the lifelines. The event created the largest lifeline disruption in a New Zealand city in 80 years, with much of the damage resulting from extensive and severe liquefaction in the Christchurch urban area. The Christchurch earthquake occurred when the Canterbury region and its lifelines systems were at the early stage of recovering from the 4 September 2010 Darfield (Canterbury) magnitude 7.1 earthquake. This paper describes the impact of the Christchurch earthquake on lifelines by briefly summarising the physical damage to the networks, the system performance and the operational response during the emergency management and the recovery phase. Special focus is given to the performance and management of the gas, electric and road networks and to the liquefaction ejecta clean-up operations that contributed to the rapid reinstatement of the functionality of many of the lifelines. The water and wastewater system performances are also summarized. Elements of resilience that contributed to good network performance or to efficient emergency and recovery management are highlighted in the paper.