A view across the intersection of Cranford and Winchester Streets to a block of shops that have been demolished following the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
Plastic barriers and fencing around a demolition site at the corner of Cranford and Westminster Streets. Different types of building rubble have been sorted into piles, and a concrete block still remains on-site.
Cars raise dust from dried liquefaction on Westminster Street in St Albans, near the intersection with Forfar Street. The photographer comments, "Dust from dried liquefaction made everything grey and gritty".
Cars raise dust from dried liquefaction on Westminster Street in St Albans, near the intersection with Forfar Street. The photographer comments, "Dust from dried liquefaction made everything grey and gritty".
Plastic barriers and fencing around a demolition site on the corner of Cranford and Westminster Streets. Different types of building rubble have been sorted into piles, and a concrete block still remains on-site.