A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A detail photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A detail photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A detail photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool, facing towards the children's playground at Waltham Park.
A photograph of street art depicting a weta. The artwork is at the Waltham Park and Pool on Waltham Road. The artwork is part of Project Legit.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards the children's playground at Waltham Park.
A photograph of street artwork depicting a fantail sitting on a branch. The piece is on the side of a building at Waltham Park and Pool, located on Waltham Road.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Wilsons Road.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Wilsons Road. Behind the pool gate is a pile of building material covered in a tarpaulin and weighted down with tyres.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park. Written on the wall to the left of the artwork is, "Ironlak presents 'King of Kings' graffiti artwork competition, 24th Feb 2008. Thanks to the local community, Embassy Skate Store, Project Legit".
A photograph of street art on the side of a building at Waltham Park and Pool. The artwork is part of Project Legit.
A photograph of street art on the side of a building at Waltham Park and Pool. The artwork is part of Project Legit.
A photograph of street art on the side of the toilet block at Waltham Park and Pool. The artwork is part of Project Legit.
A photograph of street art on the side of the toilet block at Waltham Park and Pool. The artwork is part of Project Legit.
A photograph of street art by the DTR crew at Waltham Park and Pool. The artwork depicts white and green tag writing, and the DTR Crew's signature below it.
A photograph of street art by the DTR crew on the wall at the Waltham Park and Pool. The artwork depicts tag writing in shades of purple and yellow, in a setting of ferns and other foliage. There is also a fantail perched on a branch. A pukeko is painted on a wall to the right.