Monday 10 December 2012. File reference: CCL-2012-12-10- IMG_1112 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Monday 10 December 2012. File reference: CCL-2012-12-10-IMG_1113 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Knox Church earthquake repair/rebuild on a walk around Christchurch December 11, 2013 New Zealand. www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/christchurch-earthquake-20... All about our ear...
A photograph of an earthquake-damaged building on Welles Street taken shortly after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. A car parked outside has been crushed by fallen bricks.
A photograph of an earthquake-damaged building on the corner of Welles and Manchester Streets. Masonry from the top floor of the building has come away and windows have been broken.
Debris from demolished building on Welles Street, behind security fencing.
A document which describes best practice for dewatering guidelines.
A poster which illustrates each of SCIRT's eight critical risks.
A document which describes SCIRT's approach to ensuring zero harm during its five and a half year programme of work.
A document which outlines how to work safely around underground services, created to discuss with site staff at on-site "toolbox talks".
A poster created by University of Canterbury students outlining their findings from examining SCIRT's approach to managing health and safety.
A board paper which asks the SCIRT board to review and revise SCIRT's existing Health and Safety Policy.
The SCIRT Health and Safety Policy, revised in February 2016.
A final year paper prepared by University of Canterbury students examining the positive effects of SCIRT on the New Zealand construction industry's health and safety performance.
A document which outlines how to work safely in confined spaces, created to discuss with site staff at on-site "toolbox talks".
An example of a SCIRT safety alert. Safety alerts were sent out to Delivery Team Health and Safety representatives after an incident who then sent or delivered them to subcontractors.
A document which illustrates the impetus for SCIRT's zero harm programme, the parties involved, initiatives undertaken and outcomes achieved.
A document which outlines how to work safely in trenches and excavations, created to discuss with site staff at on-site "toolbox talks".
A document which outlines how to safely carry out lifting operations, created to discuss with site staff at on-site "toolbox talks".
A document which outlines how to work safely at height and depth, created to discuss with site staff at on-site "toolbox talks".
A document which outlines how to keep site staff and public safe around mobile plant, created to discuss with site staff at on-site "toolbox talks".
A document which outlines how to keep site staff and public safe around traffic, created to discuss with site staff at on-site "toolbox talks".
A plan which aims to ensure an environment of Zero Harm on SCIRT worksites. The first version of this plan was produced on 29 July 2011.
An example of a monthly presentation created to communicate with all SCIRT team members about SCIRT's safety performance.
A document which outlines how to work safely with powered plant and tools, created to discuss with site staff at on-site "toolbox talks".