374 Montreal Street Pws-2010-09-18-dsc2589
Diggers work to clear the rubble from a demolished building on Victoria Street. The Victoria Clock Tower can be seen in the distance.
The base of the tower on the right of this picture has sunk about 25cm so that the lower course of bricks have disappeared below ground level. Meanwhile the other end of the building has sunk about 50cm splitting the building into thirds. The sand you can see is what came bubbling up out of the ground due to liquifaction. Unfortunately the build...
This is how the building looked when it was built - fine indeed! democam.iopen.co.nz/ An engineer who owns a similar building in Dunedin, and is willing to put money into this building's restoration, is sure it could be stabilised, just like the Railway Clock Tower. And the t...
The Press Building in Cathedral Square missing the wrought iron at the top of the tower. It was removed after the 4 September earthquake for safety reasons.
A photograph of a military armoured vehicle parked on the site of a demolished building.
Diggers work to clear the rubble from a demolished building on Victoria Street. The Victoria Clock Tower can be seen in the distance.
The roof of the right tower on the Durham Street Methodist Church. Part of the stonework on the left has broken and fallen off the building.
The roof of the right tower on the Durham Street Methodist Church. Part of the stonework on the left has broken and fallen off the building.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Owners of The Octagon hang models to decorate the structures holding up the tower of the building after earthquake damage. Chris Stead from Theme Pro".
The base of the tower on the right of this picture has sunk about 25cm so that the lower course of bricks have disappeared below ground level. Meanwhile the other end of the building has sunk about 50cm splitting the building into thirds. The sand you can see is what came bubbling up out of the ground due to liquifaction. Unfortunately the build...
Cordon fencing around the Arts Centre on Worcester Boulevard. Men with hard hats and hi-vis vests are entering the building. Wooden bracing has been placed on the gable on the tower to limit further earthquake damage.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch mayor Bob Parker surveys the earthquake damage to the Science Alive/old train station building on Moorhouse Avenue. The clock tower has large cracks and the clock itself stopped at the time the earthquake hit".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch mayor Bob Parker surveys the earthquake damage to the Science Alive/old train station building on Moorhouse Avenue. The clock tower has large cracks and the clock itself stopped at the time the earthquake hit".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch mayor Bob Parker surveys the earthquake damage to the Science Alive/old train station building on Moorhouse Avenue. The clock tower has large cracks and the clock itself stopped at the time the earthquake hit".
A photograph of the Arts Centre taken from Rolleston Avenue near the Botanic Gardens. The building has been cordoned off by wire fencing and a wooden structure has been secured to the tower with tie-downs to help reduce damage from further aftershocks.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Owners of the Octagon hang models to decorate the structures holding up the tower of the building after earthquake damage. Chris Stead (left) from Theme Pro and stone mason Andy Carmichael from Cut'n'Carve Stone".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Owners of the Octagon hang models to decorate the structures holding up the tower of the building after earthquake damage. Chris Stead (left) from Theme Pro and stone mason Andy Carmichael from Cut'n'Carve Stone".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker surveys the earthquake damage to the Science Alive building (previously the old train station) on Moorhouse Avenue. The clock tower has large cracks and the clock itself stopped at the time the earthquake hit".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker surveys the earthquake damage to the Science Alive building (previously the old train station) on Moorhouse Avenue. The clock tower has large cracks and the clock itself stopped at the time the earthquake hit".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker surveys the earthquake damage to the Science Alive building (previously the old train station) on Moorhouse Avenue. The clock tower has large cracks and the clock itself stopped at the time the earthquake hit".
The Harbourlight Theatre on London Street in Lyttelton. There is cracking along the side of the building and damage to the domes on top of the towers. Bracing has been placed at the top to limit further damage and to stop debris from falling on the road.
The base of the tower on the right of this picture has sunk about 25cm so that the lower course of bricks have disappeared below ground level. Meanwhile the other end of the building has sunk about 50cm splitting the building into thirds. The sand you can see is what came bubbling up out of the ground due to liquifaction. Unfortunately the build...