the arts centre - under repair following the earthquake.
The boarded up clock tower of the former Railway Station on Moorhouse Avenue.
The boarded up clock tower of the former Railway Station on Moorhouse Avenue.
The bell tower of St John's Anglican Church in Hororata. The top of the tower has collapsed, and many of the bricks have crumbled along the side into the roof of the church. A skip has been lifted up by a crane next to the tower with a man inside.
A photograph of the ChristChurch Cathedral in Cathedral Square with the tower and spire still intact.
Diggers work to clear the rubble from a demolished building on Victoria Street. The Victoria Clock Tower can be seen in the distance.
A photograph of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Damage can be seen to the parapet of the northern tower.
A photograph of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Damage can be seen to the parapet of the northern tower.
The base of the tower on the right of this picture has sunk so that the lower course of bricks have disappeared below ground level. The sand you can see is what came bubbling up out of the ground due to liquifaction.
Cracking on the facade of the Clarendon Tower.
Damage to the bell tower of St John's Church on Hereford Street. The stones have crumbled, exposing the inside of the tower. They are still lying where they fell. Damage can also be seen on the roof.
A photograph of a tower of the Arts Centre taken from Rolleston Avenue near the Botanic Gardens. A wooden structure has been wrapped around the tower and secured with tie-downs in order to help reduce damage by further aftershocks.
The base of the tower on the right of this picture has sunk about 25cm so that the lower course of bricks have disappeared below ground level. Meanwhile the other end of the building has sunk about 50cm splitting the building into thirds. The sand you can see is what came bubbling up out of the ground due to liquifaction. Unfortunately the build...
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Demolition of St Pauls Church Dallington bell tower".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Demolition of St Pauls Church Dallington bell tower".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Montreal Street and Victoria Street demolition".
The clock on the old Moorhouse Avenue Railway Station. The clock can be used to indicate when the earthquake occurred as it stopped when the earthquake struck.
The old Railway Station clock tower on Moorhouse Avenue with plywood and steel reinforcement covering two sides, a crane hanging over top. The brickwork suffered extensive cracking during the earthquake making it in need for reinforcement. The clock has stopped at around 16:35, the time of the earthquake.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Southern Demolition pull down St Pauls Church Dallington bell tower".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Southern Demolition pull down St Pauls Church Dallington bell tower".
A photograph of the former railway station. Wooden boards support the damaged clock tower.
Clarendon Towers. The old facade of the original hotel has separated during the earthquake.
A photograph of the former railway station. Wooden boards support the damaged clock tower.
A photograph of the former railway station. Wooden boards support the damaged clock tower.
A photograph of the former railway station. Wooden boards support the damaged clock tower.
A photograph of the former railway station. Wooden boards support the damaged clock tower.