Introducing One Voice Te Reo Kotahi (OVTRK): January 2014
Articles, UC QuakeStudies
A pdf copy of a document describing One Voice Te Reo Kotahi.
A pdf copy of a document describing One Voice Te Reo Kotahi.
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "One Voice Te Reo Kotahi Sector Forum: 'Questions regarding CERA transitioning out in 2016'".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "Forum presentation".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "IMPORTANT: Venue change!".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "18-Feb 2014 Update".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "reminder for upcoming forum".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "Update from the in-between".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "Next Forum on 15 October".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "Notes from the most recent forum".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "notes from the forum + useful resources".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "next forum and letter from CERA".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "Forum notes - Keeping the 'Community in Mind'".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "Details of the Next Forum 15 October".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "Notes from most recent forum: Weighing the Anchors".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "happy new year + panel confirmed for next forum".
A pdf copy of a post from the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi blog. The post is titled, "what OVTRK has been up to and notice of forum".
A pdf copy of an email sent to the participants in a One Voice Te Reo Kotahi forum held on 10 March 2014. OVTRK report that the email was sent to Arihia Bennett, the Chief Executive Officer of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel, Waimakariri Mayor David Ayers, Selwyn District Councillor Malcolm Lyall, and Dame Margaret Bazley, Chair of Environment Canterbury.
A short video-documentary featuring four Christchurch locals who reflect on the destruction of the city's CBD, and how it has changed what they value in a city. Produced with funding from NZ on Air.