Revitalising Maori Language provision in a City Post Earthquakes: Educatio…
Research papers, University of Canterbury Library
Highlights from Radio New Zealand National's programmes for the week ending Friday 16 December. This week .... This week...another housing boom as property prices increase, the current state of Maori journalism, two stories from Canterbury's earthquake - a victim's recovery and a musician's return, a look back at the life of an albatross genius, the DNA of food, performing Shakespeare in te reo Maori and 200 years of wedding fashion on exhibition at Te Papa.
A PDF copy of pages 36-37 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Ko Taku Kupu, Ko Tau/My Word is Yours'. Page 36 photograph of writers at CPIT: Tate Tiata. Remaining photographs: Earl Tutty.
A short video-documentary featuring four Christchurch locals who reflect on the destruction of the city's CBD, and how it has changed what they value in a city. Produced with funding from NZ on Air.