In the aftermath of the 2011 earthquake, a state of polycentric urbanity was thrust upon New Zealand’s second largest city. As the city-centre lay in disrepair, smaller centres started to materialise elsewhere, out of necessity. Transforming former urban peripheries and within existing suburbs into a collective, dispersed alternative to the city centre, these sub-centres prompted a range of morphological, socio-cultural and political transformations, and begged multiple questions: how to imbue these new sub-centres with gravity? How to render them a genuine alternative to the CBD? How do they operate within the wider city? How to cope with the physical and cultural transformations of this shifting urbanscape and prevent them occurring ad lib? Indeed, the success and functioning of the larger urban structure hinges upon a critical, informed response to these sub-centre urban contexts. Yet, with an unrelenting focus on the CBD rebuild - effectively a polycentric denial - little such attention has been granted. Taking this urban condition as its premise and its provocation, this thesis investigates architecture’s role in the emergent sub-centre. It asks: what can architecture do in these urban contexts; how can architecture act upon the emergent sub-centre in a critical, catalytic fashion? Identifying this volatile condition as both an opportunity for architectural experimentation and a need for critical architectural engagement, this thesis seeks to explore the sub-centre (as an idea and actual urban context) as architecture’s project: its raison d’etre, impetus and aspiration. These inquiries are tested through design-led research: an initial design question provoking further, broader discursive research (and indeed, seeking broader implications). The first section is a site-specific, design for Sumner, Christchurch. Titled ‘An Agora Anew’; this project - both in conception and outcome - is a speculative response to a specific sub-centre condition. The second section ‘The Sub-centre as Architecture’s Project’ explores the ideas provoked by the design project within a discursive framework. Firstly it identifies the sub-centre as a context in desperate need of architectural attention (why architecture?); secondly, it negotiates a possible agenda for architecture in this context through terms of engagement that are formal, critical and opportunistic (how architecture?): enabling it to take a position on and in the sub-centre. Lastly, a critical exegesis positions the design in regards to the broader discursive debate: critiquing it an architectural project predicated upon the idea of the sub-centre. The implications of this design-led thesis are twofold: firstly, for architecture’s role in the sub-centre (especially to Christchurch); secondly for the possibilities of architecture’s productive engagement with the city (largely through architectural form), more generally. In a century where radical, new urban contexts (of which the sub-centre is just one) are commonplace, this type of thinking – what can architecture do in the city? - is imperative.
New Zealand lies on the Pacific Ring of Fire – the belt of vulnerable, unpredictable fault lines which are the primary cause for earthquakes in this country. Most recently, as evident in the aftermath of the 2011 Christchurch earthquake -the destruction of the city centre led to the emergence of sub centres in different parts of the city each with different, desperate needs. The lack of preparedness in the wake of an earthquake hence, exacerbated this destitution. This research explores architecture’s role in the sub-centre. How can architecture facilitate resilience through this decentralised typology? The design-led approach critiques the implications of architecture as a tool for resilience whilst highlighting the desperate need for the engagement of architecture in planning before a disaster strikes. The resulting response explores resilience through an architectural lens that has a wider infrastructural, contextual and user-focussed need.
Structures of the Lowry Peaks Range - Waikari Valley district are complex. The majority comprise three members of a predominantly WSW -ENE striking major northwards-directed, leading edge imbricate thrust system, with associated angular, asymmetric fault-propagation folds. This system forms anomalously within a large NESW trending belt of structures characterising the entire east coast of north Canterbury, both onshore and offshore and terminates westwards against N-S striking, east facing fold-fault zone. The objectives of this study address the origin, geometry and kinematics of the interaction between these diversely trending systems. Stratigraphy and small-scale structures denote three periods of deformation, namely: i) Middle Cretaceous deformation of the basement rocks, ii) weak Middle Oligocene deformation associated with the inception of the plate boundary through the South Island, and iii) major Pliocene - Recent deformation that formed the majority of the above-mentioned structures. Stress tensor analyses within competent basement and limestone cover rocks suggest two sets of sub-horizontal compression, NE-SW and NW-SE, the former likely to relate to a localised earlier period of deformation, now overprinted by the latter. NW-SE oriented sub-horizontal compression correlates well with results from other parts of north Canterbury. The result of NW-SE compression on the W-E to WSW-ENE striking structures is a large component of oblique motion, which is manifest in four ways: i) movement on two, differently oriented splays rather than a single fault strand, ii) the development of a sinuous trace for a number of the major folds, whereby the ends are oriented normal to the compression direction, the centres parallel to the strike of the faults, iii) the development of a number of cross-folds, striking NNE-SSW and iv) the apparently recent development of a strike-slip component on at least one of the major thrust faults. The origin of the W-E, or WSW-ENE striking structures may be reactivation of Late Cretaceous faults, stratigraphic evidence for the existence of a "structural high" (the Hurunui High) over the majority of the area in the Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene times suggests the formation of a W-E trending horst structure, with a corresponding asymmetric graben to the south. The junction of WSW-ENE trending structures with N-S trending structures to the west centres on an alluvial-filled depression, Waikari Flat, into which the structures of the WSW-ENE trending imbricate thrust system plunge, locally curling to the SW at their ends to link with N-S trending structures to the south. Roof thrusting on two orientations, W-E and N-S, towards to SE is currently occurring above these structures. Currently the area is not highly seismically active, although a magnitude ~6.4 Ms earthquake in historic times has been recorded. The effects of tectonics on the drainage of the area does suggest that the majority of the systems, are still potentially active, albeit moving at a comparatively slow rate. The majority of the recent motion appears to be concentrated on the roof-thrusting occurring in Waikari Flat, and uplift along the Lowry Peaks Fault System. Increasing amounts of secondary movement on back-thrusts and cross fractures is also implied for western ends of the major imbricate thrust system. In contrast, the southern-most fault system appears to be largely sustaining dextral strike-slip motion, with some local folding in central portions.
Recent earthquakes have highlighted the vulnerability of existing structure to seismic loading. Current seismic retrofit strategies generally focus on increasing the strength/stiffness in order to upgrade the seismic performance of a structure or element. A typical drawback of this approach is that the demand on the structural and sub-structural elements can be increased. This is of particular importance when considering the foundation capacity, which may already be insufficient to allow the full capacity of the existing wall to develop (due to early codes being gravity load orientated). In this thesis a counter intuitive but rational seismic retrofit strategy, termed "selective weakening" is introduced and investigated. This is the first stage of an ongoing research project underway at the University of Canterbury which is focusing on developing selective weakening techniques for the seismic retrofit of reinforced concrete structures. In this initial stage the focus is on developing selective weakening for the seismic retrofit of structural walls. This is performed using a series of experimental, analytical and numerical investigations. A procedure for the assessment of existing structural walls is also compiled, based on the suggestions of currently available code provisions. A selective weakening intervention is performed within an overall performance-based retrofit approach with the aim of improving the inelastic behaviour by first reducing the strength/stiffness of specific members within the structural system. This will be performed with the intention of modifying a shear type behaviour towards a flexural type behaviour. As a result the demand on the structural member will be reduced. Once weakening has been implemented the designer can use the wide range of techniques and materials available (e.g. use of FRP, jacketing or shotcrete) to ensure that adequate characteristics are achieved. Whilst performing this it has to be assured that the structure meets specific performance criteria and the principles of capacity design. A target of the retrofit technique is the ability to introduce the characteristics of recently developed high performance seismic resisting systems, consisting of a self centring and dissipative behaviour (commonly referred to as a hybrid system). In this thesis, results of experimental investigations performed on benchmark and selectively weakened walls are discussed. The investigations consisted of quasi-static cyclic uni-directional tests on two benchmark and two retrofitted cantilever walls. The first benchmark wall is detailed as typical of pre-1970's construction practice. An equivalent wall is retrofitted using a selective weakening approach involving a horizontal cut at foundation level to allow for a rocking response. The second benchmark wall represents a more severe scenario where the inelastic behaviour is dominated by shear. A retrofit solution involving vertically segmenting the wall to improve the ductility and retain gravity carrying capacity by inducing a flexural response is implemented. Numerical investigations on a multi-storey wall system are performed using non linear time history analysis on SDOF and MDOF lumped plasticity models, representing an as built and retrofitted prototype structure. Calibration of the hysteretic response to experimental results is carried out (accounting for pinching and strength degradation). The sensitivity of maximum and residual drifts to p-delta and strength degradation is monitored, along with the sensitivity of the peak base shear to higher mode affects. The results of the experimental and analytical investigations confirmed the feasibility and viability of the proposed retrofit technique, towards improving the seismic performance of structural walls.