Clean-up in the CBD of Christchurch is well under way after the 6.3 magnitude quake 22 Febraury 2011.
A photograph of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of 263 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of 248 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of a detail of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of a detail of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of a detail of 248 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of the entrance to 248 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of a window of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of a detail of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of a detail of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of a detail of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of a detail of 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of an excavator clearing the rubble from the demolished building at 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of an excavator clearing the rubble from the demolished building at 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of an excavator clearing the rubble from the demolished building at 270 St Asaph Street.
A photograph of 270 St Asaph Street. A red sticker on the door indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.
A photograph of the entrance to 270 St Asaph Street. A red sticker on the door indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.
The backs of damaged buildings on High Street, seen from St Asaph Street.
A digitally manipulated image of damaged buildings on St Asaph Street.