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Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A television announcer sits at his desk reading the news. He says 'The shake which lasted 75 minutes and caused widespread damage in living rooms all over the country measured 5.18 on the rugby scale and was centred on Port Elizabeth in South Africa'. Context: The All Blacks lost to the Springboks 5-18 in a tri-nations test match in South Africa only a few days before the World Cup kick-off. Fans have been warned not to panic. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Videos, NZ On Screen

This episode from the second series of pioneering comedy show A Week of It takes a light-hearted look at issues of the day: sporting contact with South Africa, the 1978 election, traffic cops against coupling in cars, dawn raids in Ponsonby, weather girls struggling with te reo, and bread and newspaper strikes. Censorship campaigner Patricia Bartlett struggles with a French stick, and beer baron Sir Justin Ebriated is interviewed. John Walker, "current world record holder for selling cans of Fresh Up", is sent up, and there's a racing-themed "geegees Wayne" sign off.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A bunch of flowers laid beside the Avon River during the River of Flowers event held in Riccarton Bush, commemorating the second anniversary of the 22 February earthquake. The photographer comments, "The organisers told me these were brought by an elderly South African woman. She had a disability so couldn't make it down to the riverbank herself, so she asked the organisers to throw them in on her behalf".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of Press journalist Martin Van Beynen talking about the Canterbury Television Building which collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Beynen investigates the construction manager of the building, Gerald Shirtcliff, who allegedly faked an engineering degree and stole the identity of an engineer he knew in South Africa. The video also includes footage of Shirtcliff giving evidence about the CTV Building at the Canterbury Earthquake Royal Commission.