An extract from SCIRT's Alliance Agreement, detailing SCIRT's objectives.
A paper which indexes standard SCIRT details and CSS details including all SCIRT details.
A PDF copy of a draft personalised poster for SCIRT. The poster contains various individual messages in response to the question, "What makes the SCIRT team feel All Right?".
A document which discusses the importance of the Alliance Objectives to the operation of SCIRT.
A board paper which asks the SCIRT board to review and revise SCIRT's existing Health and Safety Policy.
An example of a monthly presentation created to communicate with all SCIRT team members about SCIRT's safety performance.
A zip file containing the suite of SCIRT CAD customisation tools. This file contains:SCIRT CAD LISP routines (198 files)SCIRT CAD dialogue box filesa complete set of layer listsa full set of text files containing the complete list of street names in Christchurchtemplates and lists used for translating 12d outputs to useable dwg reference filesa full set of SCIRT CAD manualsThis file is not sufficient for someone to set up a full SCIRT CAD System, but it will allow a developer to select tools to incorporate with an existing system.
A pdf copy of a presentation which SCIRT presented to Red Cross volunteers, telling them about what SCIRT is and what it does.
A manual which informs SCIRT AutoCAD users of all tools, utilities, keyboard shortcuts, and tips available within the SCIRT CAD System.
A paper for the SCIRT Board which requests that the Board provide support to SCIRT's Training Team with assisting to develop a civil trade qualification.
A presentation for the SCIRT Board which outlines the process that SCIRT's Training Team intended to take towards assisting with developing a civil trade qualification.
A tool, including an outline and run sheet, used by the SCIRT Communication Team when delivering a series of workshops to SCIRT engineers about working around businesses.
A paper which outlines what had been achieved by SCIRT's Training Team, and proposing an approach to ensure that the learnings from SCIRT be transferred to wider industry.
Site of SCIRT, an alliance between CERA, Christchurch City Council, the NZTA, and companies involved in the rebuild. Includes information about SCIRT; news; works notices; and information about damage assessment and rebuilding of roads, fresh water, wastewater and stormwater networks.
A manual which assists SCIRT draughters to perform quality draughting.
A PDF version of the memento book created for those who contributed to the SCIRT programme.
A pdf copy of a cut-out dress-up game for young children involving safety gear.
An article that explains the innovative work of SCIRT in a post-disaster environment.
A pdf copy of a PowerPoint presentation prepared for the Christchurch City Council and CPG New Zealand, providing an overview of the investigation work completed.
A SCIRT pro forma created in May 2014 to reduce the amount of generic information required in a traffic management plan (TMP).
One white hard hat with a SCIRT logo at the front.
A video about the discovery of a historic tramline on North Avon Road. The video includes an interview with Brent Leersynder, a site engineer for SCIRT, and Steve Timpson, site foreman for SCIRT. The SCIRT team found the tramline while repairing the damaged wastewater system under North Avon Road in May.
A document which lists the awards won by SCIRT.
A poster which illustrates each of SCIRT's eight critical risks.
A diagram which illustrates SCIRT's asset assessment request process.
A document which describes the formation of SCIRT.
A document which explains how to use the SCIRT GIS Viewer.
A series of SCIRT advertisements which feature images of women in construction.
A zip file containing some of SCIRT's short course training materials.
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "SCIRT site office sign, St Martins".