One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 25 February 2011 showing earthquake damage to the road, footpath and retaining wall on Norwich Quay. The photograph is taken from below the intersection of Norwich Quay and Canterbury Street looking east along Norwich Quay. Unlike most areas of Christchurch, land damage on the Port Hills was due ...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 1 March 2011 showing the road between Franklin and Queenstown with an electronic road work sign depicting the words 'Kia Kaha Christchurch'. People all around New Zealand participated in gestures of support for Christchurch following the 6.3 magnitude earthquake on 22 February 2011. In Queenstown...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 1 March 2011 showing the road between Franklin and Queenstown with an electronic road work sign depicting the words '12.51pm 2 minutes silence'. People all around New Zealand participated in gestures of support for Christchurch following the 6.3 magnitude earthquake on 22 February 2011. In Queens...
One portrait colour digital photograph taken on 25 February 2011 showing damage to the Plunket Rooms on Sumner Road. Also visible in the photograph are the rear of the former Library and Fire Station, 2 London Street and the eastern end of The Church of the Most Holy Trinity. When the Lyttelton Plunket Rooms were demolished in July 2012, archae...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 25 February 2011 showing damage to the Lodge of Unanimity No 3 at the intersection of St Davids Street and Sumner Road. Original BuildingAdditions The Lodge of Unanimity was established in Lyttelton in 1851. This building was designed in 1878 by Benjamin Woolfield Mountfort, who was a member of th...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 11 June 2011 showing the demolition of the old Lyttelton Library, Council Chambers and Magistrates' Court on the corner of Oxford Street and Sumner Road. The photograph shows the upper floor of the building being demolished with a high reach digger. At the time of the 22 February 2011 Earthquake...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 11 June 2011 showing the demolition of the old Lyttelton Library, Council Chambers and Magistrates' Court on the corner of Oxford Street and Sumner Road. The photograph shows the upper floor of the building being demolished with a high reach digger and a jet of water being played on the building ...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 6 September 2011 showing the demolition of 2 Sumner Road, the former library and fire station. This building was a private residence at the time of its demolition. Photograph taken looking north on Oxford Street. Also visible in the photograph are the Lyttelton Information Centre, an entrance to ...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 25 February 2011 showing damage to the Lyttelton Police Station on Sumner Road and London Street. Photograph taken looking west from St Davids Street. In December 2011, the New Zealand Police decided that the Lyttelton Police Station would be demolished. The building, which opened in 1882 was re...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 27 April 2011 showing damage to London Street and demolition work being undertaken on the Harbourlight Theatre. Photograph taken looking west from the intersection of London Street with Oxford Street and Sumner Road. Architect In Christchurch's Central Business District many of the high profile d...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 27 April 2011 showing damage to the London Street Restaurant. Photograph taken looking west from the intersection of London Street with Oxford Street and Sumner Road. Adaptability and quick thinking has become a key part of business survival in post earthquake Canterbury. The owner of this bui...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 19 November 2011 showing the site of the old Lyttelton Library, Council Chambers and Magistrates' Court on the corner of Oxford Street and Sumner Road. At the time of the 22 February 2011 Earthquake the building was in private ownership and was the premises of Moda Fotografica and a private resid...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 30 June 2011 showing earthquake damage to a section of retaining wall in Sumner Road. Plastic sheeting installed to stabilise previous damage and protect from water erosion is visible to the right of the photograph. Also visible in the photograph is a boarded up broken window and temporary safety ...