Large cracks in River Road, where the road has slumped towards the river. The photographer comments, "River Rd, near Swanns Rd. Lateral spreading damage in River Rd near Avonside GHS".
Trees alongside the Avon River in Richmond. The river level is high, and the water is grey with silt. One of the trees is leaning towards the river. The photographer comments, "High river levels because of liquefaction in the Avon. Near 373 River Rd, Richmond".
Damage to River Road in Richmond. The river bank has slumped towards the river, opening up a large crack along the side of the road. The photographer comments, "Lateral spreading in River Rd".
The flooded and silt-laden Avon River seen from River Road in Richmond. The photographer comments, "Avon at high tide, River Rd".
The flooded and silt-laden Avon River seen from River Road in Richmond. Across the river, Avonside Drive is lined with portaloos and road cones.
The flooded and silt-laden Avon River seen from River Road in Richmond. The photographer comments, "View from River Rd towards the Medway St corner".
The Avon River in Avonside, seen before the earthquakes. The photographer comments, "Avon River and Avonside Drive, near Robson Ave. Taken approx 317 River Road".
Large cracks in the footpath in River Road, where the road has slumped towards the river. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. River Rd subsidence".
The flooded and silt-laden Avon River seen from River Road in Richmond. The photographer comments, "Avon at high tide, River Rd, looking towards the Medway St Bridge".
Road cones mark off a large crack in River Road, where the road has slumped towards the river. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. River Rd subsidence".
Road cones cordon off a large crack in River Road where the road has slumped towards the river. The photographer comments, "Lateral spreading towards the river is very obvious here".
Residents walk along River Road past large cracks where the road has slumped towards the river. The photographer comments, "Lateral spreading cracks in River Rd; the land left of the crack moved towards the river. The Banks Ave/Dallington Tce end of our block is impassable".
Silt build-up in the Avon River. The photographer comments, "River Rd, Richmond, near Swanns Rd bridge".
Road cones mark off a large crack in River Road, where the road has slumped towards the river.
A man photographs large cracks in River Road where the road has slumped towards the river. The photographer comments, "Cracking in River Rd. The Banks Ave/Dallington Tce end of our block is impassable".
A group of residents stand talking on the footpath beside River Road. The photographer comments, "River Rd neighbours chatting".
A group of residents stand talking on the footpath beside River Road. The photographer comments, "Neighbours in River Rd".
A large crack in the road surface at the intersection of Medway Street and River Road, where River Road has slumped towards the river. The photographer comments, "Medway Street is a buckled mess of broken seal and liquefaction. 79 Medway St is on the right - taken at the corner of Medway St and River Rd".
Flooding on River Road in Richmond. The photographer comments, "Dudley Creek flowing through properties on River Rd, then into the Avon".
A pathway through trees on the University of Canterbury campus, beside the Avon River. The photographer comments, "Path by the river, University Drive".
The Avon River in Richmond. The river level is very high, and the water is grey with silt. The photographer comments, "By the corner of Medway St and River Rd. The Avon seems to be very full, with grey silt laden water".
Trees on River Road in Avonside, seen before the earthquakes. The photographer comments, "River Rd, looking across to corner of Avonside Drive and Bracken St".
Silt-laden water flows into the Avon River. The photographer comments, "Corner River Rd, Banks Ave, Dallington Tce. Dirty water from Dudley Creek meets the Avon".
A digger scraping damaged tarseal from River Road in Richmond. A portaloo sits on the side of the road. The photographer comments, "Road repairs. River Rd, Richmond, looking west".
Damage to River Road in Richmond. The road surface is badly cracked and slumped, and liquefaction silt covers part of the road. The photographer comments, "Lateral spreading cracks in River Rd".
A portaloo sits outside a house on River Road. There is a large crack in the road where it has slumped towards the river, and a power pole is on a lean.
Damage to River Road in Richmond. The road is badly cracked and buckled, and is partly blocked off with road cones and warning tape. In the background is a truck carrying more road cones and signs. The photographer comments, "Major slumps and cracks along River Rd. Near 381 River Rd, looking towards the Banks Ave - Dallington Terrace corner".
Damage to River Road in Richmond. The road is badly cracked and has slumped towards the river. Road cones and warning tape block off the road to vehicles. The photographer comments, "The end of River Rd, at the corner of Banks Ave-McBratneys Rd-Dallington Tce. Morons in 4WDs kept wanting to drive through here".
Flowers float down the Avon River during the River of Flowers memorial event. In the background, residents and workers look on. The photographer comments, "One year on, Riverside residents gather for a 2 minute silence and to cast flowers in the river. Riverside residents met at the Medway St bridge to commemorate the anniversary of the 22/2/11 quake".
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury (area covers Christchurch City), NZ. Cracks alongside Avon river.