Decribes the new Re:Start village project in the Cashel Mall, which housing business previously located in Christchurch’s central city. Includes a directory of retailers, events, photographs, information about parking and access, and Christchurch central city news.
A PDF copy of pages 10-11 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Re:START'. Photos: John Suckling
A short video compilation showing the range of shops, food stalls, and buskers in Re:Start mall.
Animal sculpture made out of grass in Re:Start mall in Re:Start mall. This was one of the sculptures presented by the Christchurch Garden City Trust.
A video of people shopping on the opening day of Re:Start Mall. Re:Start Mall is a container mall set up in Cashel Street after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. It is made up of shipping-container shops, with the Ballantynes Department Store reopening as a retail anchor.
Shoppers at Re:Start Mall.
Shoppers at Re:Start Mall.
Shoppers at Re:Start Mall.
Shoppers at Re:Start Mall.
Shoppers at Re:Start Mall.
Crowds at the Re:Start mall.
Crowds at the Re:Start mall.
Shoppers in the Re:Start mall.
Crowds at the Re:Start mall.
A video of Mayor Bob Parker and Prime Minister John Key speaking at the opening of Re:Start Mall which has been set up on Cashel Street after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Re:Start mall is made up of shipping-container shops, with the Ballantynes Department Store reopening as a retail anchor.
Flowers outside Ballantynes at Re:Start mall.
Decorative flowers pots in Re:Start mall.
Shoppers and sightseers in Re:Start Mall.
Shoppers and sightseers in Re:Start mall.
Decorative flowers pots in Re:Start mall.
Shoppers and sightseers in Re:Start mall.
People eating ice creams in Re:Start mall.
A digitally manipulated image of people in Re:Start Mall. The photographer comments, "In Christchurch there is a temporary mall that is made out of shipping containers. The containers painted in nice bright colours, colourful shade sails and various advertisements give the place a very merry feel".
An infographic about the opening of Re:Start mall.
Shops made from shipping containers in Re:Start mall.
A timeline for the opening of the Re:Start mall.
A page banner promoting a feature about the Re:Start mall
Shoppers walk past the Nicholas Jermyn store at Re:Start Mall.
A crowd watching a busker perform in the Re:Start mall.