A video of an interview with Kiz Matson from Papanui about how their lives have changed a year after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. This video is part of The Press's 'One Year On: September 4, 2010' series.
A video of an interview with Kaiapoi resident Rick Moore, about the concerns of Kaiapoi residents one year after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. This video is part of The Press's 'One Year On: September 4, 2010' series.
The three versions of this cartoon show words reading 'rumble' and 'crack' and refer to problems in relationships between the Christchurch City Council and the government about how to manage the rebuilding of Christchurch after the second most damaging earthquake that occured one year ago today (22 February 2011) Quantity: 3 digital cartoon(s).
Recollections of the February earthquake, and coverage of the services and events being held to mark the events of one year ago.
It's one year today since a 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Christchurch.
A video of an interview with Tania and Paddy McKay from Darfield about how their lives have changed a year after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. This video is part of The Press's 'One Year On: September 4, 2010' series.
Page 2 of a One Year On: The Year That Was special feature in the Christchurch Press, published on Monday 20 February 2012.
Page 3 of a One Year On: The Year That Was special feature in the Christchurch Press, published on Monday 20 February 2012.
Page 7 of a One Year On: The Year That Was special feature in the Christchurch Press, published on Monday 20 February 2012.
Page 8 of a One Year On: The Year That Was special feature in the Christchurch Press, published on Monday 20 February 2012.
Page 1 of a One Year On: The Year That Was special feature in the Christchurch Press, published on Monday 20 February 2012.
Page 6 of a One Year On: The Year That Was special feature in the Christchurch Press, published on Monday 20 February 2012.
Pages 4 and 5 of a One Year On: The Year That Was special feature in the Christchurch Press, published on Monday 20 February 2012.
A Christchurch arts event that took one of the biggest hits in the September earthquake last year, was the annual Body Festival.
A video of an interview with Hororata residents Tish Ballagh and Vicar Jenni Carter about remaining positive a year after the 4 September 2010 damaged their town. This video is part of The Press's 'One Year On: September 4, 2010' series.
A video of an interview with Warwick and Margo Schulz, residents of the red-zoned Arnst Place in Dallington. The Schulzes talk about how their life has changed since the 4 September 2010 earthquake. This video is part of The Press's 'One Year On: September 4, 2010' series.
We are here broadcasting from Christchurch, as the city remembers the devastating earthquake that claimed 185 lives, and forever changed the city for those who survived.
Page 4 of a One Year On special report in the Christchurch Press, published on Saturday 3 September 2011.
Page 11 of a One Year On special report in the Christchurch Press, published on Saturday 3 September 2011.
Page 10 of a One Year On special report in the Christchurch Press, published on Saturday 3 September 2011.
Page 1 of a One Year On special report in the Christchurch Press, published on Saturday 3 September 2011.
Page 2 of a One Year On special report in the Christchurch Press, published on Saturday 3 September 2011.
Page 9 of a One Year On special report in the Christchurch Press, published on Saturday 3 September 2011.
Page 8 of a One Year On special report in the Christchurch Press, published on Saturday 3 September 2011.
Page 3 of a One Year On special report in the Christchurch Press, published on Saturday 3 September 2011.
Page 12 of a One Year On special report in the Christchurch Press, published on Saturday 3 September 2011.
Page 5 of a One Year On special report in the Christchurch Press, published on Saturday 3 September 2011.
Page 3 of a One Year On: In Memoriam special feature in the Christchurch Press, published on Wednesday 22 February 2012.
Page 2 of a One Year On: Looking Ahead special feature in the Christchurch Press, published on Friday 24 February 2012.
Page 6 of a One Year On: Taking Stock special feature in the Christchurch Press, published on Thursday 23 February 2012.