A view across Manchester Street to the National Library of New Zealand building.
A view across the intersection of Salisbury and Manchester Streets to the National Library of New Zealand building.
Cracks in a wall of the National Library on Salisbury Street.
Cracks in a wall of the National Library on Salisbury Street.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "National Library, Salisbury Street".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "National Library, Salisbury Street".
Wednesday 2 May 2012. File reference: CCL-2012-05-02IMG_2208 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Wednesday 2 May 2012. File reference: CCL-2012-05-02IMG_2205 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Wednesday 2 May 2012. File reference: CCL-2012-05-02IMG_2206 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Demolition of the National Library building, corner of Salisbury and Manchester Streets".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Demolition site of National Library building, Salisbury Street".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Demolition site of National Library building, Salisbury Street".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Demolition site of National Library building, Salisbury Street".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Demolition site of National Library building, Salisbury Street".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Deconstruction of National Library Building, corner of Salisbury and Manchester Streets".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Demolition site of National Library building, corner of Salisbury and Manchester Streets".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Demolition site of National Library building, corner of Salisbury and Manchester Streets".
A group photograph of participants in the walk to celebrate Chinese National Day and the Moon Festival. The walk was held at the Upper Riccarton Library. It was organised by the Canterbury Migrants Centre (formerly the Christchurch Migrants Centre) and was part of the Christchurch City Council's Walking Festival.
Disaster recovery involves the restoration, repair and rejuvenation of both hard and soft infrastructure. In this report we present observationsfrom seven case studies of collaborative planning from post-earthquake Canterbury, each of which was selected as a means of better understanding ‘soft infrastructure for hard times’. Though our investigation is located within a disaster recovery context, we argue that the lessons learned are widely applicable. Our seven case studies highlighted that the nature of the planning process or journey is as important as the planning objective or destination. A focus on the journey can promote positive outcomes in and of itself through building enduring relationships, fostering diverse leaders, developing new skills and capabilities, and supporting translation and navigation. Collaborative planning depends as much upon emotional intelligence as it does technical competence, and we argue that having a collaborative attitude is more important than following prescriptive collaborative planning formulae. Being present and allowing plenty of time are also key. Although deliberation is often seen as an improvement on technocratic and expertdominated decision-making models, we suggest that the focus in the academic literature on communicative rationality and discursive democracy has led us to overlook other more active forms of planning that occur in various sites and settings. Instead, we offer an expanded understanding of what planning is, where it happens and who is involved. We also suggest more attention be given to values, particularly in terms of their role as a compass for navigating the terrain of decision-making in the collaborative planning process. We conclude with a revised model of a (collaborative) decision-making cycle that we suggest may be more appropriate when (re)building better homes, towns and cities.
A photograph of participants in the walk to celebrate Chinese National Day and the Moon Festival. In the foreground, there are two performers doing a lion dance. The walk was held at the Upper Riccarton Library in September 2015. It was organised by the Canterbury Migrants Centre (formerly the Christchurch Migrants Centre) and was part of the Christchurch City Council's Walking Festival.
A photograph of participants in the walk to celebrate Chinese National Day and the Moon Festival. In the foreground, there is a man holding a Chinese flag. Behind him there are two people wearing panda bear costumes. The walk was held at the Upper Riccarton Library in September 2015. It was organised by the Canterbury Migrants Centre (formerly the Christchurch Migrants Centre) and was part of the Christchurch City Council's Walking Festival.
A photograph of five participants in the walk to celebrate Chinese National Day and the Moon Festival. Staff member Vaea Hutchen of the All Right? mental health campaign of the CDHB is wearing a tee shirt promoting the campaign. Others are wearing Chinese flags. The walk was held at the Upper Riccarton Library in September 2015. It was organised by the Canterbury Migrants Centre (formerly the Christchurch Migrants Centre) and was part of the Christchurch City Council's Walking Festival.
slightly different from Christchurch Earthquake (http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/christchurch-earthquake)
Paul Millar, associate professor at Canterbury University, is concerned that future generations won't have access to the full picture of the Canterbury earthquakes, so he got the CEISMIC Project under way. The project is an archive of earthquake-related digital material and includes resources from the National Library, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, Christchurch City Libraries, Te Papa, NZ On Screen, the Canterbury Museum and the Ngai Tahu Research Centre. Paul says the aim is to document the impact of the disaster and the process of recovery, and make all that material available for free.
Text reads 'Dalai Lama visits Christchurch ostensibly to sympathise with quake-hit residents'. The cartoon shows the Dalai Lama bestowing blessings on a large crowd. In an insert he is seen sitting cross-legged on top of Mount Cook saying 'But off the record I came to look for a quiet spot to retire to!' Context - The Dalai Lama visited the quake-hit city for two days in early June. He also sent a letter of condolence to Prime Minister John Key after the February 22 earthquake. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The cartoon shows God sitting at his computer with an image of a devastated Christchurch on the screen. He is about to hit the 'smite' key. Text above reads 'God at his computer'. Context - Two more earthquakes rocked Christchurch on 13th June, following those of 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011. The first magnitude 5.5 quake struck at 1pm, 10 kilometres east of Christchurch at Taylor's Mistake beach, at a depth of 11 kilometres, and sent people scrambling for cover. It was followed at 2.20pm by a more powerful magnitude 6 quake, centred 10 kilometres southeast of the city and 9km underground. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Site of the National Party MP for Christchurch Central. Communicates her political activities and parliamentary speeches. Includes updates about Christchurch earthquake recovery and rebuild.
Depicts National MP Aaron Gilmore walking off carrying two suitcases. A row of Christchurch insurance men are calling for him to return and saying they have the right job for his talents. Refers to Gilmore's resignation after National Party censure following to his drunken bullying behaviour to a waiter in a Hanmer Springs restaurant (3 News 13 May 2013) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The UC CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive was built following the devastating earthquakes that hit the Canterbury region in the South Island of New Zealand from 2010 – 2012. 185 people were killed in the 6.3 magnitude earthquake of February 22nd 2011, thousands of homes and businesses were destroyed, and the local community endured over 10,000 aftershocks. The program aims to document and protect the social, cultural, and intellectual legacy of the Canterbury community for the purposes of memorialization and enabling research. The nationally federated archive currently stores 75,000 items, ranging from audio and video interviews to images and official reports. Tens of thousands more items await ingestion. Significant lessons have been learned about data integration in post-disaster contexts, including but not limited to technical architecture, governance, ingestion process, and human ethics. The archive represents a model for future resilience-oriented data integration and preservation products.
Radio New Zealand National documentary about the Canterbury earthquake, focusing on the personal experiences of those affected. Use Internet Explorer to listen to the MP3 (streaming sound Ogg Vorbis not archived)