28 February 2012. File reference: CCL-2012-01-28-AroundChristchurchIMG_0018 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Police officer on Montreal Street.
374 Montreal Street Pws-2010-09-18-dsc2589
Police officer on Montreal Street.
A photograph of 273 Montreal Street.
A photograph of the driveway of 273 Montreal Street.
A photograph of a window of 273 Montreal Street.
A photograph of a door of 273 Montreal Street.
A photograph of a window of 273 Montreal Street.
A photograph of a window of 273 Montreal Street.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to 420 Montreal Street.
A photograph of Ironside House on Montreal Street.
A photograph of Ironside House on Montreal Street.
A photograph of Ironside House on Montreal Street.
A photograph of Ironside House on Montreal Street.
A photograph of Ironside House on Montreal Street.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to 420 Montreal Street.
A photograph of Ironside House on Montreal Street.
A photograph of Ironside House on Montreal Street.
A photograph of a broken window of 420 Montreal Street.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to 420 Montreal Street.
A photograph of Ironside House on Montreal Street.
A photograph of Ironside House on Montreal Street.
A photograph of Ironside House on Montreal Street.