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Images, UC QuakeStudies

Mayor Bob Parker entering the Christchurch Art Gallery after an aftershock hit during one of their briefings. A pile of shattered glass is in the main doorway. The Christchurch Art Gallery served as the headquarters for Civil Defence after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Monday's 10 year anniversary of the devastating earthquake that took the lives of 185 people in Christchurch, will be marked with a special service near the city's earthquake memorial. Large crowds are expected from half past twelve this afternoon on the lawn just across the river from the memorial wall. Among those speaking is the prime minister, Jacinda Ardern. A message from former mayor, Sir Bob Parker, will be read out. Sir Bob, who led the city through one of its most challenging periods, recently suffered a major stroke and heart attack. The names of the 185 who died will be read before a minute's silence at twelve fifty one, the exact moment the quake struck. Flowers will then be laid at the memorial wall.