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Images, eqnz.chch.2010

This is St Peters Riccarton. It was damaged in one of the two big Earthquakes to hit Christchurch in September 2010 and February 2011. Its taken a LONG time for work to really get going, but now that it is, they are also upgrading and extending the church with a modern annexe.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

On 22 February 2011, Christchurch police sargeant Dave Harvey was outside the earthquake-damaged Hotel Grand Chancellor on Cashel Street, unsure if anyone was trapped inside. In case they were, he grabbed a can of spray paint and painted 'Help is on the way' in one-metre high letters on the road. Harvey's quick thinking really helped the people trapped in the hotel, says Clare Mackey, producer of the new documentary Help is on the Way.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

About two hundred of those who lost loved ones in collapsed buildings in Christchurch's 2011 earthquake, heard an apology from the city's mayor, Lianne Dalziel yesterday. A royal commission in to faulty buildings found serious errors by engineers and the Christchurch City Council 185 people died during the earthquake on the 22nd of February, 2011. David Selway who lost his sister Susan Selway in the CTV Building, said it was good to hear a heartfelt apology from the mayor for the role her council played in signing off the building as safe.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The families of those who died in the CTV building's collapse during the Christchurch Earthquake in February of 2011 are vowing to continue their Fight For Justice after The Independent Police Conduct Authority rejected their complaint about the Police Investigation . The Police decided 3 years ago not to lay charges against the building's designer. Yesterday the families announced that the IPCA, the body that advised the Police, had told them that it had no jurisdiction over Crown Law. Families spokesperson, Maan Alkaisi, told reporter Conan Young that they will continue to push for somebody to be held to account. He wants a retired judge to take another look at the decision not to prosecute.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Post-earthquake cordons have been used after seismic events around the world. However, there is limited understanding of cordons and how contextual information of place such as geography, socio-cultural characteristics, economy, institutional and governance structure etc. affect decisions, operational procedures as well as spatial and temporal attributes of cordon establishment. This research aims to fill that gap through a qualitative comparative case study of two cities: Christchurch, New Zealand (Mw 6.2 earthquake, February 2011) and L’Aquila, Italy (Mw 6.3 earthquake, 2009). Both cities suffered comprehensive damage to its city centre and had cordons established for extended period. Data collection was done through purposive and snowball sampling methods whereby 23 key informants were interviewed in total. The interviewee varied in their roles and responsibilities i.e. council members, emergency managers, politicians, business/insurance representatives etc. We found that cordons were established to ensure safety of people and to maintain security of place in both the sites. In both cities, the extended cordon was met with resistance and protests. The extent and duration of establishment of cordon was affected by recovery approach taken in the two cities i.e. in Christchurch demolition was widely done to support recovery allowing for faster removal of cordons where as in L’Aquila, due to its historical importance, the approach to recovery was based on saving all the buildings which extended the duration of cordon. Thus, cordons are affected by site specific needs. It should be removed as soon as practicable which could be made easier with preplanning of cordons.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Earthquakes cause significant damage to buildings due to strong vibration of the ground. Levitating houses using magnets and electromagnets would provide a complete isolation of ground motion for protecting buildings from seismic damage. Two types of initial configuration for the electromagnet system were proposed with the same air gap (10mm) between the electromagnet and reluctance plate. Both active and passive controller are modelled to investigate the feasibility of using a vibration control system for stabilizing the magnetic system within the designed air gap (10mm) in the vertical direction. A nonlinear model for the magnetic system is derived to implement numerical simulation of structural response under the earthquake record in Christchurch Botanic Gardens on 21 February 2011. The performance of the uncontrolled and the controlled systems are compared and the optimal combination of control gains are determined for the PID active controller. Simulation results show both active PID controller with constant and nonlinear attracting force are able to provide an effective displacement control within the required air gap (+/-5mm). The maximum control force demand for the PID controller in the presence of nonlinear attracting force is 4.1kN, while the attracting force in equilibrium position is 10kN provided by the electromagnet. These results show the feasibility of levitating a house using the current electromagnet and PID controller. Finally, initial results of passive control using two permanent magnets or dampers show the structural responses can be effectively reduced and centralized to +/-1mm using a nonlinear centring barrier function.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Rapid, accurate structural health monitoring (SHM) assesses damage to optimise decision-making. Many SHM methods are designed to track nonlinear stiffness changes as damage. However, highly nonlinear pinched hysteretic systems are problematic in SHM. Model-based SHM often fails as any mismatch between model and measured response dynamics leads to significant error. Thus, modelfree methods of hysteresis loop tracking methods have emerged. This study compares the robustness and accuracy in the presence of significant measurement noise of the proven hysteresis loop analysis (HLA) SHM method with 3 emerging model-free methods and 2 further novel adaptations of these methods using a highly nonlinear, 6-story numerical structure to provide a known ground-truth. Mean absolute errors in identifying a known nonlinear stiffness trajectory assessed at four points over two successive ground motion inputs from September 2010 and February 2011 in Christchurch range from 1.71-10.52%. However, the variability is far wider with maximum errors ranging from 3.90-49.72%, where the second largest maximum absolute error was still 19.74%. The lowest mean and maximum absolute errors were for the HLA method. The next best method had mean absolute error of 2.92% and a maximum of 10.51%. These results show the clear superiority of the HLA method over all current emerging model-free methods designed to manage the highly nonlinear pinching responses common in reinforced concrete structures. These results, combined with high robustness and accuracy in scaled and fullscale experimental studies, provide further validation for using HLA for practical implementation.