A photograph of a poster at the Christchurch City Council Emergency Operations Centre at Pioneer Recreation and Sport Centre in Somerfield. The poster outlines the process for new volunteers.
A photograph of Hutt City Emergency Response team members posing with Emergency Operation Centre staff members on Salisbury Street.
A flowchart outlining the order of procedures to be taken by the University of Canterbury Emergency Operations Centre after an emergency.
A photograph of tents pitched at the On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC) in Latimer Square. The OSOCC was set up by the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator.
A photograph of a Hutt City Emergency Response team member talking to a police officer on Victoria Street as a group of workers watch on.
A sign in front of the Christchurch Art Gallery indicating that the building is being used as the Emergency Operations Centre. The sign reads, "EOC Command Centre, Enter only if involved in Civil Defence". Behind the sign is a small pile of glass from the Art Gallery windows.
Map of the tents in the Arts car park.
Map of the tents in the Law car park.
Map of the Arts car park with numbered tents.
Map of the Law car park with numbered tents.
Map of the Law car park with tents and infrastructure.
Map of the Arts car park with tents and infrastructure.
The On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC) in Latimer Square. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square. The OSOCC is set up by the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator. It helps to coordinate the local emergency response as well as advocate for humanitarian issue in political bodies such as the United National Security Council.
A flowchart outlining the structure and organisation of the UC Strategic Emergency Management Group and UC Incident Management Team.
A document outlining the Emergency Management Policy at the University of Canterbury in the time between the 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011 earthquake. This policy was developed to provide a mandate for decisions that need to be taken to most appropriately and expeditiously respond to a planned event or unforeseen critical incident at the University of Canterbury.
A document outlying the initial evaluation process for building occupancy on campus after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of a police car blocking the road outside Christchurch Art Gallery. The Christchurch Art Gallery was used as the emergency operations centre after the September earthquake.