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Images, eqnz.chch.2010

From My Little Blue Window By Elvis Costello Well, I was a gloomy soul Never thought I see a brighter day The dark interior Blows those silver clouds away 'Til now this was my view But I'm counting on you How am I ever going got make you see? Nothing in this ugly world comes easily I want you to be... My lovely hooligan Come by and...

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A large sign just outside Christchurch's Red Zone reads 'Christchurch RED ZONE - security staff and celebrities only'. A security guard phones through to Check Point One, saying 'Base to check point one - no shop keepers allowed but the queen, Fidel Castro, Tina Turner and Elvis are coming in'. These four people have formed a queue and are allowed to enter the Red Zone. Context - It is now three months past the earthquake of 19 February and shopkeepers and owners of small businesses are becoming very frustrated by the still limited access to the Red Zone business area. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).