A photograph showing the damaged streetscape of Dallington, following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
File reference: CCL-2012-02-22-IMG_1171 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
A photograph showing Road Cones in Dallington, Christchurch following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photograph showing earthquake damaged homes in Dallington, following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photograph showing the damaged streetscape of Dallington, following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photograph showing the damaged streetscape of Dallington, following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photograph showing a demolition of a 'red zoned' home in Dallington, following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photograph showing earthquake damage in a Dallington resident's home, following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photograph showing earthquake damage in a Dallington resident's home, following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photograph showing earthquake damage in a Dallington resident's home, following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photograph showing a 'red zoned' home in Dallington, following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photograph showing St Paul's School's damage in Dallington, following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photograph showing a 'red zoned' home in Dallington, following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photograph showing earthquake damage in a Dallington resident's home, following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
File reference: CCL-2012-02-22-IMG_1176 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
A photograph showing Geoff Devoll and Anna Kouwenhoven in their 'red zoned' home, soon to be demolished following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photograph showing a demolition of a 'red zoned' home in Dallington, following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photograph showing a demolition of a 'red zoned' home in Dallington, following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photography showing Bill and Heather Allott outside their 'red zoned' home, following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photograph showing Jayne Cummins in her 'red zoned' home, soon to be demolished following the series of earthquakes in Christchurch.
A photograph captioned, "I wonder what they're going to do with the land? We'd like a community garden. That's our aim, but I don't know what they're going to do. Seems like nobody does".
A photograph captioned, "So we're just sitting here not knowing. And okay, sooner or later it will come to an end, eventually it has to. It's the not knowing that kills you".
Photograph captioned, "I'll have mixed feelings when I leave. I'll be sad to go - and sad to see my house go. But I hope it'll be a good feeling once it's over. I'll be pleased to get to that stage and feel like I'm finally moving on".
A photograph captioned, "It's weird, it's very random. There were some beautiful houses here and now they are gone".
Photograph captioned, "Dallington used to be the most popular suburb in New Zealand to live in. And that makes sense, because it's halfway between the beach and the city. It's close enough to town but far enough away, as well. There were good schools in the area. The mall was close. It's got the river and the tree lined sections, everything. It was special all right".
A photograph captioned, "They're fixing other places first. People over the other side of town are getting their houses fixed. We wonder why".
A photograph captioned, "So it's been an eventful couple of years. I think the first earthquake, it was just so totally unexpected. You went to bed one night and when you woke up - in just a few seconds- everything was different than it had been before".
A photograph captioned, "I miss living here, right by the river. I'd been there for quite a long time, 12 years or so. I realize now I took it for granted a bit. I used to get a bit bored with having a big old house that was cold, difficult to clean, and perhaps hard to keep warm. But now, when I go back there, I miss living in a big house by the river with an open fire and a big lounge and everything. I had the park there on the other side of the river. And there was a little bridge down there where you could walk over to it. There was actually a circuit you could do, up to the New Brighton Bridge and back. Yeah, it was beautiful".
A photograph captioned, "I was reading in the paper this morning about one of the people who was orange and then went red yesterday. They said they were really glad they'd gone red rather than green-blue. Green-blue is the one they're going to have problems with".
A photograph captioned, "After the September earthquake, it was more a simple case of something gets broken and it gets repaired. Then came February, and June as well, and suddenly it's just not so straightforward anymore".