
found 48 results

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

This thesis is concerned with the effects of lateral confining reinforcement on the ductile behaviour of reinforced concrete columns. The contents of the chapters are summarized as follows. In Chapter one, the general problems in seismic design are discussed and earthquake design methods based on the ductile design approach are described. Japanese, New Zealand and United States design codes are compared. Finally, the scope of this research project is outlined. In Chapter two, after reviewing previous research on confined concrete, the factors which affect the effectiveness of lateral confinement are discussed. Especially the effects of the yield strength of transverse reinforcement, the compressive strength of plain concrete and the strain gradient in the column section due to bending are discussed based on tests which were conducted by the author et al at Kyoto University and Akashi Technological College, Japan. In the axial compression tests on spirally reinforced concrete cylinders (150 mm in diameter by 300 mm in height), the yield strength of transverse reinforcement and the compressive strength of plain concrete were varied from 161 MPa to 1352 MPa and from 17 MPa to 60 MPa, respectively, as experimental parameters. It is found that, when high strength spirals are used as confining reinforcement, the strength and ductility of the confined core concrete are remarkably enhanced but need to be estimated assuming several failure modes which could occur. These are based on the observations that concrete cylinders with high strength spirals suddenly failed at a concrete compressive strain of 2 to 3.5 % due to explosive crushing of the core concrete between the spiral bars or due to bearing failure of the core concrete immediately beneath the spiral bars, while the concrete cylinders with ordinary strength spirals failed in a gentle manner normally observed. In addition, eccentric loading tests were conducted on concrete columns with 200 mm square section confined by square spirals. It is found that the effectiveness of confining reinforcement is reduced by the presence of the strain gradient along the transverse section of column. In Chapter three, the effectiveness of transverse reinforcement with various types of anchorage details which simplify the fabrication of reinforcing cages are investigated. Eight reinforced concrete columns, with either 400 mm or 550 mm square cross sections, were tested subjected to axial compression loading and cyclic lateral loading which simulated a severe earthquake. The transverse reinforcement consisted of arrangements of square perimeter hoops with 135° end hooks, cross ties with 90° and 135° or 180° end hooks, and 'U' and 'J' shaped cross ties and perimeter hoops with tension splices. Conclusions are reached with regard to the effectiveness of the tested anchorage details in the plastic hinge regions of columns designed for earthquake resistance. In Chapter four, the effectiveness of interlocking spirals as transverse reinforcement is studied. Firstly, the general aspects and the related problems of interlocking spirals to provide adequate ductility in the potential plastic hinge region of columns are discussed, referring to the provisions in the New Zealand code,the CALTRANS (California Transportation Authority) code and other related codes. Secondly, based on those discussions, a design method to securely interlock the spirals is proposed. Thirdly, the effectiveness of interlocking spirals is assessed based on column tests conducted as part of this study. Three columns with interlocking spirals and, for comparison, one rectangular column with rectangular hoopsandcross ties, were tested under cyclic horizontal loading which simulated a severe earthquake. The sections of those columns were 400 mm by 600 mm. In Chapter five, analytical models to investigate the buckling behaviour of longitudinal reinforcement restrained by cross ties with 90° and 135° end hooks and by peripheral hoops are proposed. The analyzed results using the proposed models compare well with the experimental observations described in Chapter three. Using those proposed models, a method to check the effectiveness of cross ties with 90° and 135° end hooks is proposed for practical design purposes. In Chapter six, a theory for the prediction of the ultimate longitudinal compressive concrete strain at the stage of first hoop fracture referred to as the "Energy Balance Theory", which has been developed by Mander, Priestley and Park at University of Canterbury, is introduced. After discussing the problems in the "Energy Balance Theory", a modified theory for the prediction of the ultimate longitudinal compressive concrete strain at the stage of first hoop fracture is proposed. The predictions from the modified theory are found to compare well with previous experimental results.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Column reinforcement exposed under spalled concrete after the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that struck Christchurch on Saturday 4 September 2010.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Column reinforcement exposed under spalled concrete after the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that struck Christchurch on Saturday 4 September 2010.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Column reinforcement exposed under spalled concrete after the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that struck Christchurch on Saturday 4 September 2010.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Column reinforcement exposed under spalled concrete after the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that struck Christchurch on Saturday 4 September 2010.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Column reinforcement exposed under spalled concrete after the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that struck Christchurch on Saturday 4 September 2010.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Column reinforcement exposed under spalled concrete after the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that struck Christchurch on Saturday 4 September 2010.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Column reinforcement exposed under spalled concrete after the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that struck Christchurch on Saturday 4 September 2010.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Column reinforcement exposed under spalled concrete after the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that struck Christchurch on Saturday 4 September 2010.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Reinforced concrete structures designed in pre-1970s are vulnerable under earthquakes due to lack of seismic detailing to provide adequate ductility. Typical deficiencies of pre-1970s reinforced concrete structures are (a) use of plain bars as longitudinal reinforcement, (b) inadequate anchorage of beam longitudinal reinforcement in the column (particularly exterior column), (c) lack of joint transverse reinforcement if any, (d) lapped splices located just above joint, and (e) low concrete strength. Furthermore, the use of infill walls is a controversial issue because it can help to provide additional stiffness to the structure on the positive side and on the negative side it can increase the possibility of soft-storey mechanisms if it is distributed irregularly. Experimental research to investigate the possible seismic behaviour of pre-1970s reinforced concrete structures have been carried out in the past. However, there is still an absence of experimental tests on the 3-D response of existing beam-column joints under bi-directional cyclic loading, such as corner joints. As part of the research work herein presented, a series of experimental tests on beam-column subassemblies with typical detailing of pre-1970s buildings has been carried out to investigate the behaviour of existing reinforced concrete structures. Six two-third scale plane frame exterior beam-column joint subassemblies were constructed and tested under quasi-static cyclic loading in the Structural Laboratory of the University of Canterbury. The reinforcement detailing and beam dimension were varied to investigate their effect on the seismic behaviour. Four specimens were conventional deep beam-column joint, with two of them using deformed longitudinal bars and beam bars bent in to the joint and the two others using plain round longitudinal bars and beam bars with end hooks. The other two specimens were shallow beam-column joint, one with deformed longitudinal bars and beam bars bent in to the joint, the other with plain round longitudinal bars and beam bars with end hooks. All units had one transverse reinforcement in the joint. The results of the experimental tests indicated that conventional exterior beam-column joint with typical detailing of pre-1970s building would experience serious diagonal tension cracking in the joint panel under earthquake. The use of plain round bars with end hooks for beam longitudinal reinforcement results in more severe damage in the joint core when compared to the use of deformed bars for beam longitudinal reinforcement bent in to the joint, due to the combination of bar slips and concrete crushing. One interesting outcome is that the use of shallow beam in the exterior beam-column joint could avoid the joint cracking due to the beam size although the strength provided lower when compared with the use of deep beam with equal moment capacity. Therefore, taking into account the low strength and stiffness, shallow beam can be reintroduced as an alternative solution in design process. In addition, the presence of single transverse reinforcement in the joint core can provide additional confinement after the first crack occurred, thus delaying the strength degradation of the structure. Three two-third scale space frame corner beam-column joint subassemblies were also constructed to investigate the biaxial loading effect. Two specimens were deep-deep beam-corner column joint specimens and the other one was deep-shallow beam-corner column joint specimen. One deep-deep beam-corner column joint specimen was not using any transverse reinforcement in the joint core while the two other specimens were using one transverse reinforcement in the joint core. Plain round longitudinal bars were used for all units with hook anchorage for the beam bars. Results from the tests confirmed the evidences from earthquake damage observations with the exterior 3-D (corner) beam-column joint subjected to biaxial loading would have less strength and suffer higher damage in the joint area under earthquake. Furthermore, the joint shear relation in the two directions is calibrated from the results to provide better analysis. An analytical model was used to simulate the seismic behaviour of the joints with the help of Ruaumoko software. Alternative strength degradation curves corresponding to different reinforcement detailing of beam-column joint unit were proposed based on the test results.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Existing New Zealand (NZ) building stock contains a significant number of structures designed prior to 1995 with non-ductile reinforced concrete (RC) columns. Recent earthquakes and research show that columns with such details perform poorly when subjected to seismic demand, losing gravity load carrying capacity at drift levels lower than the expected one. Therefore, in order to have a better understanding of existing RC columns in NZ, the history of these elements is investigated in this paper. The evolution of RC column design guidelines in NZ standards since the 1970s is scrutinized. For this purpose, a number of RC columns from Christchurch buildings built prior to 1995 are assessed using the current code of practice.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The capability of self-compacting concrete (SCC) in flowing through and filling in even the most congested areas makes it ideal for being used in congested reinforced concrete (RC) structural members such as beam-column joints (BCJ). However, members of tall multi-storey structures impose high capacity requirements where implementing normal-strength self-compacting concrete is not preferable. In the present study, a commercially reproducible high-strength self-compacting concrete (HSSCC), a conventionally vibrated high-strength concrete (CVHSC) and a normal strength conventionally vibrated concrete (CVC) were designed using locally available materials in Christchurch, New Zealand. Following the guidelines of the New Zealand concrete standards NZS3101, seven beam-column joints (BCJ) were designed. Factors such as the concrete type, grade of reinforcement, amount of joint shear stirrups, axial load, and direction of casting were considered variables. All BCJs were tested under a displacement-controlled quasi-static reversed cyclic regime. The cracking pattern at different load levels and the mode of failure were also recorded. In addition, the load, displacement, drift, ductility, joint shear deformations, and elongation of the plastic hinge zone were also measured during the experiment. It was found that not only none of the seismically important features were compromised by using HSSCC, but also the quality of material and ease of construction boosted the performance of the BCJs.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The recent earthquakes in Christchurch have made it clear that issues exist with current RC frame design in New Zealand. In particular, beam elongation in RC frame buildings was widespread and resulted in numerous buildings being rendered irreparable. Design solutions to overcome this problem are clearly needed, and the slotted beam is one such solution. This system has a distinct advantage over other damage avoidance design systems in that it can be constructed using current industry techniques and conventional reinforcing steel. As the name suggests, the slotted beam incorporates a vertical slot along part of the beam depth at the beam-column interface. Geometric beam elongation is accommodated via opening and closing of these slots during seismically induced rotations, while the top concrete hinge is heavily reinforced to prevent material inelastic elongation. Past research on slotted beams has shown that the bond demand on the bottom longitudinal reinforcement is increased compared with equivalent monolithic systems. Satisfying this increased bond demand through conventional means may yield impractical and economically less viable column dimensions. The same research also indicated that the joint shear mechanism was different to that observed within monolithic joints and that additional horizontal reinforcement was required as a result. Through a combination of theoretical investigation, forensic analysis, and database study, this research addresses the above issues and develops design guidelines. The use of supplementary vertical joint stirrups was investigated as a means of improving bond performance without the need for non-standard reinforcing steel or other hardware. These design guidelines were then validated experimentally with the testing of two 80% scale beam-column sub-assemblies. The revised provisions for bond within the bottom longitudinal reinforcement were found to be adequate while the top longitudinal reinforcement remained nominally elastic throughout both tests. An alternate mechanism was found to govern joint shear behaviour, removing the need for additional horizontal joint reinforcement. Current NZS3101:2006 joint shear reinforcement provisions were found to be more than adequate given the typically larger column depths required rendering the strut mechanism more effective. The test results were then used to further refine design recommendations for practicing engineers. Finally, conclusions and future research requirements were outlined.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The failed column near the south-east corner of the ground floor of the Hotel Grand Chancellor. This corner of the building slumped 700mm when this column and a nearby sheer wall failed. Scaffolding was erected all around it and then sprayed with concrete to stabilise the building".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The failed column near the south-east corner of the ground floor of the Hotel Grand Chancellor. This corner of the building slumped 700mm when this column and a nearby sheer wall failed. Scaffolding was erected all around it and then sprayed with concrete to stabilise the building".

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Beam-column joints are addressed in the context of current design procedures and performance criteria for reinforced concrete ductile frames subjected to large earthquake motions. Attention is drawn to the significant differences between the pertinent requirements of concrete design codes of New Zealand and the United States for such joints. The difference between codes stimulated researchers and structural engineers of the United States, New Zealand, Japan and China to undertake an international collaborative research project. The major investigators of the project selected issues and set guidelines for co-ordinated testing of joint specimens designed according to the codes of the countries. The tests conducted at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, are reported. Three full-scale beam-column-slab joint assemblies were designed according to existing code requirements of NZS 3101:1982, representing an interior joint of a one-way frame, an interior joint of a two-way frame, and an exterior joint of a two-way frame. Quasistatic cyclic loading simulating severe earthquake actions was applied. The overall performance of each test assembly was found to be satisfactory in terms of stiffness, strength and ductility. The joint and column remained essentially undamaged while plastic hinges formed in the beams. The weak beam-strong column behaviour sought in the design, desirable in tall ductile frames designed for earthquake resistance, was therefore achieved. Using the laws of statics and test observations, the action and flow of forces from the slabs, beams and column to the joint cores are explored. The effects of bond performance and the seismic shear resistance of the joints, based on some postulated mechanisms, are examined. Implications of the test results on code specifications are discussed and design recomendations are made.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The development of cheap, whilst effective and relatively non-invasive structural retrofit techniques for existing non-ductile reinforced concrete (RC) structures still remains the most challenging issue for a wide implementation on a macro scale. Seismic retrofit is too often being confused as purely structural strengthening. As part of a six-years national project on “Seismic retrofit solutions for NZ multi-storey building”, focus has been given at the University of Canterbury on the development of a counter-intuitive retrofit strategy for earthquake vulnerable existing rc frame, based on a “selective weakening” (SW) approach. After an overview of the SW concept, this paper presents the experimental and numerical validation of a SW retrofit strategy for earthquake vulnerable existing RC frame with particular focus on the exterior beam-column (b-c) joints. The exterior b-c joint is a critically vulnerable region in many existing pre-1970s RC frames. By selectively weakening the beam by cutting the bottom longitudinal reinforcements and/or adding external pre-stressing to the b-c joint, a more desirable inelastic mechanism can be attained, leading to improved global seismic performance. The so-called SW retrofit is implemented on four 2/3-scaled exterior RC b-c joint subassemblies, tested under quasi-static cyclic loading at the University of Canterbury. Complemented by refined 3D Finite Element (FE) models and dynamic time-history analyses results, the experimental results have shown the potential of a simple and cost-effective yet structurally efficient structural rehabilitation technique. The research also demonstrated the potential of advanced 3D fracture-mechanics-based microplane concrete modelling for refined FE analysis of non-ductile RC b-c joints.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Describes an extensive experimental program at the University of Canterbury, for the development of new structural systems and connections for multi-storey laminated veneer lumber (LVL) timber buildings in earthquake-prone areas. The proposed innovative ductile timber connections are conceptually similar to recent seismic solutions successfully developed for precast concrete multi- storey buildings. The paper gives an overview of the research program, and the results of quasi-static cyclic tests on frame subassemblies, including exterior beam-column joints and cantilever columns, as well as pseudo-dynamic tests on cantilever columns. The experimental results showed significant dissipation of hysteretic energy, good self-centering capacity and no appreciable damage of the structural elements, confirming the expected enhanced performance of the proposed structural systems.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

In recent years, rocking isolation has become an effective approach to improve seismic performance of steel and reinforced concrete structures. These systems can mitigate structural damage through rigid body displacement and thus relatively low requirements for structural ductility, which can significantly improve seismic resilience of structures and reduce repairing costs after strong earthquakes. A number of base rocking structural systems with only a single rocking interface have been proposed. However, these systems can have significant high mode effect for high rise structures due to the single rocking interface. This RObust BUilding SysTem (ROBUST) project is a collaborative China-New Zealand project sponsored by the International Joint Research Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering (ILEE), Tongji University, and a number of agencies and universities within New Zealand including the BRANZ, Comflor, Earthquake Commission, HERA, QuakeCoRE, QuakeCentre, University of Auckland, and the University of Canterbury. A number of structural configurations will be tested [1, 2], and non-structural elements including ceilings, infilling walls, glazed curtain walls, precast concrete panels, piping system will also be tested in this project [3]. Within this study, a multiple rocking column steel structural system was proposed and investigated mainly by Tongji team with assistance of NZ members. The concept of rocking column system initiates from the structure of Chinese ancient wooden pagoda. In some of Chinese wooden pagodas, there are continuous core columns hanged only at the top of each pagoda, which is not connected to each stories. This core column can effectively avoid collapse of the whole structure under large storey drifts. Likewise, there are also central continuous columns in the newly proposed steel rocking column system, which can avoid weak story failure mechanism and make story drifts more uniform. In the proposed rocking column system, the structure can switch between an elastic rigidly connected moment resisting frame and a controlled rocking column system when subjected to strong ground motion excitations. The main seismic energy can be dissipated by asymmetric friction beam–column connections, thereby effectively reducing residual displacement of the structure under seismic loading without causing excessive damage to structural members. Re–centering of the structure is provided not only by gravity load carried by rocking columns, but also by mould coil springs. To investigate dynamic properties of the proposed system under different levels of ground excitations, a full-scale threestory steel rocking column structural system with central continuous columns is to be tested using the International joint research Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering (ILEE) facilities, Shanghai, China and an analytical model is established. A finite element model is also developed using ABAQUS to simulate the structural dynamic responses. The rocking column system proposed in this paper is shown to produce resilient design with quick repair or replacement.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

This paper presents preliminary results of an experimental campaign on three beam-column joint subassemblies extracted from a 22-storey reinforced concrete frame building constructed in late 1980s at the Christchurch’s Central Business District (CBD) area, damaged and demolished after the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes sequence (CES). The building was designed following capacity design principles. Column sway (i.e., soft storey) mechanisms were avoided, and the beams were provided with plastic hinge relocation details at both beam-ends, aiming at developing plastic hinges away from the column faces. The specimens were tested under quasi-static cyclic displacement controlled lateral loading. One of the specimens, showing no visible residual cracks was cyclically tested in its as-is condition. The other two specimens which showed residual cracks varying between hairline and 1.0mm in width, were subjected to cyclic loading to simulate cracking patterns consistent with what can be considered moderate damage. The cracked specimens were then repaired with an epoxy injection technique and subsequently retested until reaching failure. The epoxy injection techniques demonstrated to be quite efficient in partly, although not fully, restoring the energy dissipation capacities of the damaged specimens at all beam rotation levels. The stiffness was partly restored within the elastic range and almost fully restored after the onset of nonlinear behaviour.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

One of the most controversial issues highlighted by the 2010-2011 Christchurch earthquake series and more recently the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake, has been the evident difficulty and lack of knowledge and guidelines for: a) evaluation of the residual capacity damaged buildings to sustain future aftershocks; b) selection and implementation of a series of reliable repairing techniques to bring back the structure to a condition substantially the same as prior to the earthquake; and c) predicting the cost (or cost-effectiveness) of such repair intervention, when compared to fully replacement costs while accounting for potential aftershocks in the near future. As a result of such complexity and uncertainty (i.e., risk), in combination with the possibility (unique in New Zealand when compared to most of the seismic-prone countries) to rely on financial support from the insurance companies, many modern buildings, in a number exceeding typical expectations from past experiences at an international level, have ended up being demolished. This has resulted in additional time and indirect losses prior to the full reconstruction, as well as in an increase in uncertainty on the actual relocation of the investment. This research project provides the main end-users and stakeholders (practitioner engineers, owners, local and government authorities, insurers, and regulatory agencies) with comprehensive evidence-based information to assess the residual capacity of damage reinforced concrete buildings, and to evaluate the feasibility of repairing techniques, in order to support their delicate decision-making process of repair vs. demolition or replacement. Literature review on effectiveness of epoxy injection repairs, as well as experimental tests on full-scale beam-column joints shows that repaired specimens have a reduced initial stiffness compared with the undamaged specimen, with no apparent strength reduction, sometimes exhibiting higher displacement ductility capacities. Although the bond between the steel and concrete is only partially restored, it still allows the repaired specimen to dissipate at least the same amount of hysteretic energy. Experimental tests on buildings subjected to earthquake loading demonstrate that even for severe damage levels, the ability of the epoxy injection to restore the initial stiffness of the structure is significant. Literature review on damage assessment and repair guidelines suggests that there is consensus within the international community that concrete elements with cracks less than 0.2 mm wide only require cosmetic repairs; epoxy injection repairs of cracks less and 2.0 mm wide and concrete patching of spalled cover concrete (i.e., minor to moderate damage) is an appropiate repair strategy; and for severe damaged components (e.g., cracks greater than 2.0 mm wide, crushing of the concrete core, buckling of the longitudinal reinforcement) local replacement of steel and/or concrete in addition to epoxy crack injection is more appropriate. In terms of expected cracking patterns, non-linear finite element investigations on well-designed reinforced concrete beam-to-column joints, have shown that lower number of cracks but with wider openings are expected to occur for larger compressive concrete strength, f’c, and lower reinforcement content, ρs. It was also observed that the tensile concrete strength, ft, strongly affects the expected cracking pattern in the beam-column joints, the latter being more uniformly distributed for lower ft values. Strain rate effects do not seem to play an important role on the cracking pattern. However, small variations in the cracking pattern were observed for low reinforcement content as it approaches to the minimum required as per NZS 3101:2006. Simple equations are proposed in this research project to relate the maximum and residual crack widths with the steel strain at peak displacement, with or without axial load. A literature review on fracture of reinforcing steel due to low-cycle fatigue, including recent research using steel manufactured per New Zealand standards is also presented. Experimental results describing the influence of the cyclic effect on the ultimate strain capacity of the steel are also discussed, and preliminary equations to account for that effect are proposed. A literature review on the current practice to assess the seismic residual capacity of structures is also presented. The various factors affecting the residual fatigue life at a component level (i.e., plastic hinge) of well-designed reinforced concrete frames are discussed, and equations to quantify each of them are proposed, as well as a methodology to incorporate them into a full displacement-based procedure for pre-earthquake and post-earthquake seismic assessment.

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

Following the devastating 1931 Hawke's Bay earthquake, buildings in Napier and surrounding areas in the Hawke's Bay region were rebuilt in a comparatively homogenous structural and architectural style comprising the region's famous Art Deco stock. These interwar buildings are most often composed of reinforced concrete two-way space frames, and although they have comparatively ductile detailing for their date of construction, are often expected to be brittle, earthquake-prone buildings in preliminary seismic assessments. Furthermore, the likelihood of global collapse of an RC building during a design-level earthquake became an issue warranting particular attention following the collapse of multiple RC buildings in the February 22, 2011 Christchurch earthquake. Those who value the architectural heritage and future use of these iconic Art Deco buildings - including building owners, tenants, and city officials, among others - must consider how they can be best preserved and utilized functionally given the especially pressing implications of relevant safety, regulatory, and economic factors. This study was intended to provide information on the seismic hazard, geometric weaknesses, collapse hazards, material properties, structural detailing, empirically based vulnerability, and recommended analysis approaches particular to Art Deco buildings in Hawke's Bay as a resource for professional structural engineers tasked with seismic assessments and retrofit designs for these buildings. The observed satisfactory performance of similar low-rise, ostensibly brittle RC buildings in other earthquakes and the examination of the structural redundancy and expected column drift capacities in these buildings, led to the conclusion that the seismic capacity of these buildings is generally underrated in simple, force-based assessments.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Seismically vulnerable buildings constitute a major problem for the safety of human beings. In many parts of the world, reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings designed and constructed with substandard detailing, no consideration of capacity design principles, and improper or no inclusion of the seismic actions, have been identified. Amongst those vulnerable building, one particular typology representative of the construction practice of the years previous to the 1970’s, that most likely represents the worst case scenario, has been widely investigated in the past. The deficiencies of that building typology are related to non-ductile detailing in beam column joints such as the use of plain round bars, the lack of stirrups inside the joint around the longitudinal reinforcement of the column, the use of 180° end hooks in the beams, the use of lap splices in potential ‘plastic hinge’ regions, and substandard quality of the materials. That type of detailing and the lack of a capacity design philosophy create a very fragile fuse in the structure where brittle inelastic behaviour is expected to occur, which is the panel zone region of exterior beam column joints. The non-ductile typology described above was extensively investigated at the University of Canterbury in the context of the project ‘Retrofit Solutions for New Zealand Multi-Storey Buildings’ (2004-2011), founded by the ‘Foundation for Research, Science and Technology’ Tūāpapa Rangahau Pūtaiao. The experimental campaign prior to the research carried out by the author consisted of quasi-static tests of beam column joint subassemblies subjected to lateral loading regime, with constant and varying axial load in the column. Most of those specimens were representative of a plane 2D frame (knee joint), while others represented a portion of a space 3D frame (corner joints), and only few of them had a floor slab, transverse beams, and lap splices. Using those experiments, several feasible, cost-effective, and non-invasive retrofit techniques were developed, improved, and refined. Nevertheless, the slow motion nature of those experiments did not take into account the dynamical component inherent to earthquake related problems. Amongst the set of techniques investigated, the use of FRP layers for strengthening beam column joints is of particular interest due to its versatility and the momentum that its use has gained in the current state of the practice. That particular retrofit technique was previously used to develop a strengthening scheme suitable for plane 2D and space 3D corner beam column joints, but lacking of floor slabs. In addition, a similar scheme was not developed for exterior joints of internal frames, referred here as ‘cruciform’. In this research a 2/5 scale RC frame model building comprising of two frames in parallel (external and internal) joined together by means of floor slabs and transverse beams, with non-ductile characteristics identical to those of the specimens investigated previously by others, and also including lap splices, was developed. In order to investigate the dynamic response of that building, a series of shake table tests with different ground motions were performed. After the first series of tests, the specimen was modified by connecting the spliced reinforcement in the columns in order to capture a different failure mode. Ground motions recorded during seismic events that occurred during the initial period of the experimental campaign (2010) were used in the subsequent experiments. The hierarchy of strengths and sequence of events in the panel zone region were evaluated in an extended version of the bending moment-axial load (M-N) performance domain developed by others. That extension was required due to the asymmetry in the beam cross section introduced by the floor slab. In addition, the effect of the torsion resistance provided by the spandrel (transverse beam) was included. In order to upgrade the brittle and unstable performance of the as-built/repaired specimen, a practical and suitable ad-hoc FRP retrofit intervention was developed, following a partial retrofit strategy that aimed to strengthen exterior beam column joints only (corner and cruciform). The ability of the new FRP scheme to revert the sequence of events in the panel zone region was evaluated using the extended version of the M-N performance domain as well as the guidelines for strengthening plane joints developed by others. Weakening of the floor slab in a novel configuration was also incorporated with the purpose of reducing the flexural capacity of the beam under negative bending moment (slab in tension), enabling the damage relocation from the joint into the beam. The efficacy of the developed retrofit intervention in upgrading the seismic performance of the as-built specimen was investigated using shake table tests with the input motions used in the experiments of the as-built/repaired specimen. Numerical work aimed to predict the response of the model building during the most relevant shake table tests was carried out. By using a simple numerical model with concentrated plasticity elements constructed in Ruaumoko2D, the results of blind and post-experimental predictions of the response of the specimen were addressed. Differences in the predicted response of the building using the nominal and the actual recorded motions of the shake table were investigated. The dependence of the accuracy of the numerical predictions on the assumed values of the parameters that control the hysteresis rules of key structural members was reviewed. During the execution of the experimental campaign part of this thesis, two major earthquakes affected the central part of Chile (27 of February 2010 Maule earthquake) and the Canterbury region in New Zealand (22 February 2011 Canterbury earthquake), respectively. As the author had the opportunity to experience those events and investigate their consequences in structures, the observations related to non-ductile detailing and drawbacks in the state of the practice related to reinforced concrete walls was also addressed in this research, resulting in preliminary recommendations for the refinement of current seismic code provisions and assessment guidelines. The investigations of the ground motions recorded during those and other earthquakes were used to review the procedures related to the input motions used for nonlinear dynamic analysis of buildings as required by most of the current code provisions. Inelastic displacement spectra were constructed using ground motions recorded during the earthquakes mentioned above, in order to investigate the adequacy of modification factors used to obtain reduced design spectra from elastic counterparts. Finally a simplified assessment procedure for RC walls that incorporates capacity compatible spectral demands is proposed.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Recent major earthquakes such as Northridge 1994 and Izmit Kocaeli 1999 highlighted the poor performance of existing buildings constructed prior to the early 1970’s. Low lateral seismic design coefficients and the adopted “working stress design” methodology (essentially an elastic design) lacked any inelastic design considerations, thus leading to inadequate detailing. Insufficient development lengths, lapping within potential plastic hinge regions, lack, or total absence of joint transverse reinforcement, and the use of plain round reinforcement and hooked end anchorages were common throughout the structure. The behaviour is generally dominated by brittle local failure mechanisms (e.g. joint or element shear failures) as well as possible soft-storey mechanisms at a global level. Amongst several possible retrofit interventions, a typical solution is to provide the structure with additional structural walls i.e. external buttressing or column in-fills. Extensive developments on precast, post-tensioned, dissipative systems have shown promise for the use of rocking wall systems to retrofit existing poorly detailed frame structures. In this contribution, the feasibility of such a retrofit intervention is investigated. A displacement-based retrofit procedure is developed and proposed, based on targeting pre-defined performance criteria, such as joint shear and/or column curvature deformation limits. A design example, using the proposed retrofit strategy on a prototype frame is presented. A brief overview on experimental work ongoing at the University of Canterbury investigating the dynamic response of advanced rocking walls for retrofit purposes will be provided.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Reconnaissance reports have highlighted the poor performance of non-ductile reinforced concrete buildings during the 2010-11 Canterbury earthquakes. These buildings are widely expected to result in significant losses under future earthquakes due to their seismic vulnerability and prevalence in densely populated urban areas. Wellington, for example, contains more than 70 pre-1970s multi-storey reinforced concrete buildings, ranging in height from 5 to 18 storeys. This study seeks to characterise the seismic performance and evaluate the likely failure modes of a typical pre-1970s reinforced concrete building in Wellington, by conducting advanced numerical simulations to evaluate its 3D nonlinear dynamic response. A representative 9-storey office building constructed in 1951 is chosen for this study and modelled in the finite element analysis programme DIANA, using a previously developed and validated approach to predict the failure modes of doubly reinforced walls with confined boundary regions. The structure consists of long walls and robust framing elements resulting in a stiff lateral load resisting system. Barbell-shaped walls are flanked by stiff columns with sufficient transverse reinforcement to serve as boundary regions. Curved shell elements are used to model the walls and their boundary columns, for which the steel reinforcement is explicitly modelled. Line elements are used to model the frame elements. The steel reinforcement in each member is explicitly modelled. The floor slabs are modelled using elastic shell elements. The model is analysed under short and long duration ground motions selected to match site specific targets in Wellington at the DBE and MCE intensity levels. The observed response of the building including drift profiles at each intesity level, strain localization effects around wall openings, and the influence of bidirectional loading are discussed.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

In order to provide information related to seismic vulnerability of non-ductile reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings, and as a complementary investigation on innovative feasible retrofit solutions developed in the past six years at the University of Canterbury on pre-19170 reinforced concrete buildings, a frame building representative of older construction practice was tested on the shake table. The specimen, 1/2.5 scale, consists of two 3-storey 2-bay asymmetric frames in parallel, one interior and one exterior, jointed together by transverse beams and floor slabs. The as-built (benchmark) specimen was first tested under increasing ground motion amplitudes using records from Loma Prieta Earthquake (California, 1989) and suffered significant damage at the upper floor, most of it due to lap splices failure. As a consequence, in a second stage, the specimen was repaired and modified by removing the concrete in the lap splice region, welding the column longitudinal bars, replacing the removed concrete with structural mortar, and injecting cracks with epoxy resin. The modified as-built specimen was then tested using data recorded during Darfield (New Zealand, 2010) and Maule (Chile, 2010) Earthquakes, with whom the specimen showed remarkably different responses attributed to the main variation in frequency content and duration. In this contribution, the seismic performance of the three series of experiments are presented and compared.