Christchurch has been shaken by another moderate intensity earthquake 17km below the surface.
The light, 3.6-magnitude earthquake was centred 10km east of the city at a depth of 17km, and occurred at 5:45pm.
A magnitude 4.1 earthquake has rocked Christchurch this afternoon.
A class action taken by 40 Canterbury earthquake claimants against Southern Response heads to court tomorrow.
A video of the 2016 Civic Earthquake Memorial Service, held to mark the fifth anniversary of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The service was held on the Archery Lawn in the Christchurch Botanic Gardens at midday on 22 February 2016. The service was filmed for the Christchurch City Council by Alan Radford of Multicam TV.
Many Christchurch residents have used shipping containers and other temporary structures to store belongings in while repairs were carried out after the earthquakes. But the Christchurch City Council says it's had an increase in complaints from residents about containers and other temporary structures obscuring neighbours' views or obstructing council berms. Chairman of the council's regulation and consents committee David East says if earthquake repairs are completed, the container may have to go.
When the Canterbury earthquakes brought about the destruction of almost all of the buildings in central Christchurch, it created a unique opportunity for an insight into the past.
An expert in psychosocial care working with the Fiji Red Cross is using her experience after the Christchurch earthquakes to help people in Fiji recover from Cyclone Winston.
Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee has announced two early involvement contracts for Christchurch's new Metro Sports Facility.
The Regenerate Christchurch board has been confirmed this morning, as the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority's (CERA) time comes to an end in the recovery process.
Former Christchurch restaurateur James Jameson ran a cafe in the Christchurch Arts Centre until the Canterbury earthquakes of 2011. Last year, James moved to Mt Lyford – the area hit hard and isolated by this month's earthquakes.
People can walk over Christchurch's Bridge of Remembrance once again, after nearly seven million dollars in earthquake repairs.
Naz and earthquakes -- they have so much in common.
After calls for an inquiry into Christchurch home repairs, Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee joins Checkpoint.
The Christchurch Art Centre's Great Hall has reopened for the first time since the 2011 earthquakes.
The Cathedral has been in a state of limbo since the Christchurch earthquakes. Now roosting pigeons are adding to the damage.
The 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence was extremely damaging to structures in Christchurch and continues to have a large economic and social impact on the city and surrounding regions. In addition to strong ground shaking (Bradley and Cubrinovski 2011 SRL; Bradley 2012 SDEE), extensive liquefaction was observed, particularly in the 4 September 2010 Darfield earthquake and the 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake (Cubrinovski et al. 2010 BNZSEE; 2011 SRL). Large observed vertical ground motion amplitudes were recorded in the events in this sequence, with vertical peak ground accelerations of over 2.2g being observed at the Heathcote Valley Primary School during the Christchurch earthquake, and numerous other vertical motions exceeding 1.0g (Bradley and Cubrinovski 2011 SRL; Bradley 2012 SDEE; Fry et al 2011 SRL). Vertical peak ground accelerations of over 1.2g were observed in the Darfield earthquake.
A baby siamang has successfully been born in Christchurch in the midst of the earthquakes in the region.
A new report has heavily criticised how the Ministry of Education handled the post-earthquake Christchurch school reshuffle nearly four years ago.
The number of emergency psychiatric assessments in Christchurch has more than doubled since the earthquakes struck.
Divine Cakes in Christchurch has had a tough past five years building up again after the 2011 earthquakes.
Belinda McCammon tracks progress in Christchurch 5 years after the earthquake that killed 185 people
The Canterbury earthquakes that happened in 2010 and 2011 have attracted many migrant workers to the region to assist with the rebuilding effort. However, research on the impact of influx of migrants on the labour market outcomes of a local industry post-disaster is limited internationally and locally. The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of the Canterbury earthquakes on the changes in demographic composition and occupational structure for the local and foreign workers in the Greater Christchurch construction industry. Replicating the discrete dependent variable regression methods used in the study by Sisk and Bankston III (2014), this study also aimed to compare their findings on the impact of the influx of migrants on the New Orleans construction industry with outcomes in Greater Christchurch. Customised data from New Zealand Censuses 2006 and 2013 were used to represent the pre- and post-earthquake periods. This study found that the rebuild has provided opportunities for migrant workers to enter the Greater Christchurch construction industry. The increased presence of migrant construction workers did not displace the locals. In fact, the likelihoods for both locals’ and migrants’ participation in the industry improved post-earthquakes. The earthquakes also increased overall workers’ participation at the lowest end of the occupational structure. However, the earthquakes created few significant changes to the distribution of local and migrant workers at the various occupational levels in the industry. Local workers still dominated all occupational levels post-earthquakes. The aggregated education levels of the construction workers were higher post-earthquakes, particularly among the migrant workers. Overall, migrant workers in the Greater Christchurch construction industry were more diverse, more educated and participated in higher occupational levels than migrants assisting in the New Orleans rebuild, due possibly to differences in immigration policies between New Zealand and the United States of America.
A man who set fire to a Christchurch church told police it was retaliation against God for killing his friends in the earthquake.
A video of a presentation by Jane Morgan and Annabel Begg during the Social Recovery Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Monitoring Social Recovery in Greater Christchurch".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: This presentation provides an overview of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority's Social Recovery Lessons and Legacy project. This project was commissioned in 2014 and completed in December 2015. It had three main aims: to capture Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority's role in social recovery after the Canterbury earthquakes, to identify lessons learned, and to disseminate these lessons to future recovery practitioners. The project scope spanned four Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority work programmes: The Residential Red Zone, the Social and Cultural Outcomes, the Housing Programme, and the Community Resilience Programme. Participants included both Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority employees, people from within a range of regional and national agencies, and community and public sector organisations who worked with Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority over time. The presentation will outline the origin and design of the project, and present some key findings.
Repair work on Christchurch's iconic Town Hall, badly damaged in the earthquakes, has nearly hit the halfway mark.
PwC's post-2011 earthquake return to Christchurch has seen a brief delay following Monday's 7.5 magnitude tremor in Hanmer Springs.
A world class centre for music and the arts has opened in Christchurch, after The Music Centre of Christchurch was damaged beyond repair in the 2011 earthquakes.
Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel has experienced her fair share of earthquakes as a resident, MP and then Mayor. She joins Checkpoint.
As life-changing experiences go, the earthquake on 22 February 2011 was fairly significant. On the one hand, our house was red-zoned (but still liveable), friends lost their lives and the city lost many of the old buildings that, for me, … Continue reading →