A PDF copy of The Star newspaper, published on Friday 19 October 2012.
A PDF copy of The Star newspaper, published on Wednesday 31 October 2012.
Members of the New Zealand Fire Service and USAID Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) shaking hands outside the Christchurch City Fire Station on Kilmore Street. DART travelled to Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake to help out in the relief efforts.
A PDF copy of The Star newspaper, published on Friday 9 November 2012.
A PDF copy of The Star newspaper, published on Friday 7 December 2012.
A PDF copy of The Star newspaper, published on Wednesday 14 November 2012.
A PDF copy of the North Canterbury News community newspaper, published on Tuesday 29 March 2011.
A photograph of fire trucks parked outside the Christchurch Art Gallery on Montreal Street. The Art Gallery served as the headquarters for Civil Defence after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of fire trucks parked outside the Christchurch Art Gallery on Montreal Street. The Art Gallery served as the headquarters for Civil Defence after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of emergency management staff meeting outside the Christchurch Art Gallery. The art gallery was used as the temporary Civil Defence headquarters after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. In the background, a New Zealand Fire Service truck can be seen.
A PDF copy of The Star newspaper, published on Wednesday 7 March 2012.
A PDF copy of The Star newspaper, published on Wednesday 5 December 2012.
A photograph looking north along Latimer Square towards Gloucester Street. A fire truck is parked on the left side of the road.
The former Lyttelton Fire Station on the corner of Sumner Road and Oxford Street. Broken stonework from the top of the building lies on the footpath where it fell. Members of the New Zealand Fire Service are evaluating the building.
The former Lyttelton Fire Station on the corner of Sumner Road and Oxford Street. Broken stonework from the top of the building lies on the footpath where it fell. Members of the New Zealand Fire Service are evaluating the building.
A photograph of signs on the windows of the Christchurch Art Gallery. The art gallery was used as the temporary Civil Defence headquarters after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The signs read, "Today is Thursday 3 March 2011" and "Wash your hands!". In the background, emergency management personnel and a New Zealand Fire Service truck can be seen.
Los Angeles County Fire Department Search and Rescue Team gear tied to a fence in Latimer Square. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square.
Deputy Administrator for Protection and National Preparedness at the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Tim Manning, and Michael Layne from the US Embassy in Wellington, speaking to Ray Kennedy, an Area Manager from the New Zealand Fire Service, in the Christchurch Art Gallery about the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
The New Zealand Fire Department's headquarters in Latimer Square. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square.
A video about New Zealand Army chefs preparing and delivering over 850 meals at the Burnham Military Camp. The meals were for the emegency services working in Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. 300 went to the New Zealand Police, 300 to the New Zealand Fire Service, and 250 to the New Zealand Defence Force.
A PDF copy of The Star newspaper, published on Friday 4 November 2011.
A member of the Los Angeles County Fire Department Search and Rescue Team with an Australian Police Officer outside the US Aid tent in Latimer Square. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square.
Fire Service Assistant Area Commander Dave Burford with LT Gore on the HMNZS in Otago. The ship travelled to Lyttelton after the 22 February 2011 earthquake to help in the relief effort.
A member of the Los Angeles County Fire Department Search and Rescue Team, talking to a New Zealand Police Officer in Latimer Square. In the background is a wire fence with Search and Rescue Team equipment tied to it. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square.
A member of the Los Angeles County Fire Department Search and Rescue Team, talking to a New Zealand Police Officer in Latimer Square. In the background is a wire fence with Search and Rescue Team equipment tied to it. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square.
A member of the Los Angeles County Fire Department Search and Rescue Team looking at the maps at the entrance to 'Camp Hollywood', the headquarters of the American Civil Defence Forces in Latimer Square. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square.
A member of the Los Angeles County Fire Department Search and Rescue Team looking at the maps at the entrance to 'Camp Hollywood', the headquarters of the American Civil Defence Forces in Latimer Square. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square.
A member of the Los Angeles County Fire Department Search and Rescue Team with an Australian Police Officer at the entrance to 'Camp Hollywood', the headquarters of the American Civil Defence Forces in Latimer Square. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square.
A map of Christchurch with the earthquakes marked by magnitude, at the entrance to 'Camp Hollywood', the American Civil Defence Force headquarters in Latimer Square. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square.
The entrance to 'Camp Hollywood', the American Civil Defence Force headquarters in Latimer Square. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square.