Provides information about the redevelopment of Christchurch central city following February’s earthquake and the draft plan. Includes a virtual tour through the city, pre and post quake.
A PDF copy of a spreadsheet used to identify the impacts of traffic management in the central city.
A document created in 2011, demonstrating the design parameters for the rebuild of wastewater, storm water, water supply and roading in the central city.
A document outlining the methodology for rebuilding horizontal infrastructure in the central city, covering wastewater (local reticulation and trunk), wastewater pump stations, storm water (local reticulation and trunk), potable water, roads, and bridges.
A copy of the plan, created in 2011, detailing how the rebuild of the three waters and road infrastructure was to be coordinated with other utility operators.
Helicopter Flight over Christchurch New Zealand
Helicopter Flight over Christchurch New Zealand
Helicopter Flight over Christchurch New Zealand
Helicopter Flight over Christchurch New Zealand
Christchurch CBD New Zealand 31 August 2011
A PDF copy of pages 274-275 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Central City Plan (Draft Central City Recovery Plan for Ministerial Approval, December 2011)'. Photos with permission: CCC
Avonhead Park Cemetery Interment Site. Central plinth. Inscription reads: "Etched in our City’s memory, never to be forgotten. The City of Christchurch". File reference: CCL-2012-02-27-AvonheadParkCemeteryIntermentSite-February-2012 DSC_027.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Avonhead Park Cemetery Interment Site. Central plinth. Inscription reads: "Etched in our City’s memory, never to be forgotten. The City of Christchurch" in Spanish. File reference: CCL-2012-02-27-AvonheadParkCemeteryIntermentSite-February-2012 DSC_026.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Avonhead Park Cemetery Interment Site. Central plinth. Inscription reads: "Etched in our City’s memory, never to be forgotten. The City of Christchurch" in Filipino. File reference: CCL-2012-02-27-AvonheadParkCemeteryIntermentSite-February-2012 DSC_028.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
A copy of the plan, developed in 2011, outlining the communication and community engagement that supported SCIRT's central city programme and kept Christchurch residents informed about this work.
A diagram illustrating how the rebuild of the three waters and roading infrastructure was to be managed and coordinated with other programmes of work in the central city.
A document outlining how the rebuild of wastewater, water supply, storm water and roading infrastructure was to be managed and coordinated with other programmes of work in the central city.
A diagram created in 2011, showing the communication structure across rebuild agencies.
An outline, created in 2011, of the levels of service and condition of the horizontal infrastructure within the central city, providing a broad indication of damage, service levels provided to residents and business owners, and used to estimate the cost of repairs following the earthquake events.
A plan which describes how SCIRT would manage the risks associated with rebuilding horizontal infrastructure within Christchurch's central city area. The first version of this plan was produced on 24 October 2013.
A shortened version of a presentation created in 2011, outlining the approach to the central city rebuild.
Demolition (Deconstruction) of the partially pancaked multi story car park above the old Smith City building. Taken from the Moorhouse-Colombo Street flyover.
A detailed presentation created in 2011, outlining the approach to the central city rebuild and associated risk management.
Christchurch Central City - 29 September 2013 File reference: CCL-2013-09-29-Lost-in-Central-City-DSC_0958.JPG Photo by Valerie Livingstone.
A brochure created for Beca Heritage Week 2014, outlining SCIRT's repair work on heritage structures in the Central City. It was handed out to members of the public at SCIRT's walk and talk tours.
A copy of the plan developed in 2011 to facilitate a collaborative approach between all stakeholders and minimise the impact on the traffic network, because of the extensive repair works necessary to repair vertical and horizontal infrastructure.