A photograph of 'We Won't Need Legs to Stand', an installation by Sam Eng. The installation was displayed in the window of the COCA gallery when the remainder of the building was yellow-stickered.
A photograph of 'Screensaver', an installation by Ed Lust. The installation was displayed in the carport of the COCA gallery when the remainder of the building was yellow-stickered.
A PDF copy of pages 106-107 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'COCA Windows Project'. Photos: Ed Lust, Chloe Geoghegan. With permission: COCA Gallery.
COCA Gallery and the Christchurch Art Gallery seen from Gloucester Street.
Christchurch gallery’s collections, exhibitions and services. Includes featured articles from CoCa Magazine. Includes coverage
A photograph of 68 Gloucester Street with the COCA Gallery to the right. The building has been partially-deconstructed with a pile of rubble out front and wire fencing to keep it from scattering over the road.
COCA Gallery on Gloucester Street. USAR codes have been spray painted in pink on the window.
Deconstruction of office buildings next to the COCA gallery. In front of the buildings are piles of demolition rubble.
A couple of the most intriguing public art installations on in Christchurch. Dr Jessica Halliday discusses COCA gallery's window space project and Riki Manuel describes his art installations made from the ruins of earthquake hit buildings.