A photograph of 'We Won't Need Legs to Stand', an installation by Sam Eng. The installation was displayed in the window of the COCA gallery when the remainder of the building was yellow-stickered.
A photograph of 'Screensaver', an installation by Ed Lust. The installation was displayed in the carport of the COCA gallery when the remainder of the building was yellow-stickered.
Christchurch gallery’s collections, exhibitions and services. Includes featured articles from CoCa Magazine. Includes coverage
Deconstruction of office buildings next to the COCA gallery. In front of the buildings are piles of demolition rubble.
A couple of the most intriguing public art installations on in Christchurch. Dr Jessica Halliday discusses COCA gallery's window space project and Riki Manuel describes his art installations made from the ruins of earthquake hit buildings.
Two aluminium drink cans which have split open. The photographer comments, "We had around 24 cans of diet coke in the top of the fridge when the devastating 6.1 earthquake hit Christchurch in New Zealand. The shaking caused one of the front feet of the fridge to fold, which made the fridge tip forward and causing the door to open. After all the shaking the cans had already when they flew out and hit the ground a lot of them exploded. These two cans show the explosive pressure that occurred best".