A photograph of All Right? hoardings temporary walkway at Burwood Hospital. Three of the hoardings feature images and message from phase 2 of the All Right? campaign, which sought to promote the 'Five Ways To Wellbeing' by asking simple, open-ended questions related to wellbeing. The other hoarding reads, "Welcome to Burwood Hospital".
An infographic about the planned upgrades to Christchurch Hospital and Burwood Hospital.
An infographic showing the proposed redevelopment of Christchurch and Burwood Hospitals.
An earthquake memories story from Murray White, Site Trades Supervisor, Burwood Hospital, titled, "Pipes fractured in numerous places".
An earthquake memories story from Shirley Butcher, Charge Nurse Manager, Burwood Hospital, titled, "Could see it all unfolding".
A video of a press conference with Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee. Brownlee announced that cabinet has agreed to redevelop the hospital sites throughout Canterbury. This will include the building of additional operating theatres, the replacement of around 5000 beds, the expansion of the intensive care unit and emergency department, and the building of a new hospital for older persons in Burwood.
A video about the New Zealand Army's engineers working with the Christchurch City Council and community centres to secure buildings in Christchurch, set up bases in Latimer Square, and fix infrastructure such as Burwood Hospital's water supply.