Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury, NZ. Footbridge over Avon river, Christchurch
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury (area covers Christchurch City) NZ. Damage to bridge on Spencerville Road crossing the Lower Styx river.
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury NZ. Bridge Street, South Brighton, Christchurch.
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Christchurch, NZ. Footbridge over Avon river
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury NZ. Bridge Street, South Brighton, Christchurch.
A photograph of the Ferrymead Bridge.
Damage to the pavement along the Williams Street bridge in Kaiapoi. Wire fencing with tape and road cones have been placed along the bridge to keep people away.
The north end of the Gayhurst Road bridge, cracked down the side, the posts bent inwards and the road buckled. Tape has been woven across the bridge.
A photograph of the warped Medway Street Bridge.
A photograph of the warped Medway Street Bridge.
A photograph of the warped Medway Street Bridge.
A buckled bridge on Avonside Drive.
A buckled bridge on Avonside Drive.
A photograph of the warped Medway Street Bridge.
A photograph of the warped Medway Street Bridge.
A photograph of a digger working near the Ferrymead Bridge.
A photograph of a digger working near the Ferrymead Bridge.
A photograph of the warped Medway Street Bridge.
A buckled bridge on Avonside Drive.
A twisted bridge on Avonside Drive.
The Remembrance Day service at the Bridge of Remembrance on Cashel Street.
The Remembrance Day service at the Bridge of Remembrance on Cashel Street.
The wooden foot bridge over the Kaiapoi River. Slumping between the abutments can be seen.
The north end of the bridge on Gayhurst Road. During the earthquake, the bridge was forced about 15 centimetres towards the river, the land falling away under the road. Fencing has been placed around the footpath, and the road filled and resealed so that it can still be used by traffic.
The footpath on Williams Street bridge in Kaiapoi. Since the earthquake, it has been re-instated after new pipes were laid.
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Durham Street overbridge, towards Railway Station. Earthquake 4th of September 2010".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Durham Street overbridge, towards Railway Station. Earthquake 4th of September 2010".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Heathcote underpass. Boulder from the top of Castle Hill".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Heathcote underpass. Boulder from the top of Castle Hill".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Pleasant Point Yacht Club post-earthquake damage".