Official information from Statistics New Zealand, including a summary of New Zealand statistics, also products and services and related links. Earthquake related information can be found in the archived instances from September 2010-
Photographs of the Brick Art unveiling, Greening the Rubble, on the former Asko site - corner of Victoria and Salisbury Streets, Christchurch 8 February 2011. From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries CCL-Brickart-2011-IMG_2484
This chapter will draw on recent literature and practice experience to discuss the nature of field education in Aotearoa New Zealand. Social work education in this country is provided by academic institutions that are approved by the Social Workers Registration Board. The field education curriculum is therefore shaped by both the regulatory body and the tertiary institutions. Significant numbers of students undertake field education annually which places pressure on industry and raises concerns as to the quality of student experience. Although the importance of field education is undisputed it remains poised in a liminal space between the tertiary education and social service sectors where it is not sufficiently resourced by either. This affects the provision of practice placements as well as the establishment of long-term cross-sector partnerships. Significant events such as the 2010 and 2011 Christchurch earthquakes and recent terrorist attacks have exposed students to different field education experiences signalling the need for programmes to be responsive. Examples of creative learning opportunities in diverse environments, including in indigenous contexts, will be described. Drawing upon recent research, we comment on student and field educator experiences of supervision in the field. Recommendations to further develop social work field education in Aotearoa New Zealand relate to resourcing, infrastructure and quality, support for field educators, and assessment.
Includes safety tips and information on contacting the Police. Earthquake related information can be found in the archived instances from September 2010-
The text of a Pecha Kucha talk titled, "A working week in the Recovery Centre". The talk was given by Moya Sherrif, CCCRC Intern, at the Museums Aotearoa Conference on 4 April 2014.
A photograph of the entrance to Te Wananga o Aotearoa near the corner of Manchester and Cashel Streets.
Colombo Street, looking north from Cathedral Square
Kilmore Street looking west from Manchester Street
Colombo Street looking north towards Cathedral Square, taken from near the corner of Saint Asaph Street.
The Press Building, Cathedral Square
Structural engineers taking a break on the roof of the Warners Hotel, Cathedral Square.
PGC - Pyne Gould Corporation building; photo taken from the roof of the Warners Novotel, Cathedral Square.
Roy Stokes Hall New Brighton - Welfare Distribution Centre
Structural engineers inspecting the Warners Novotel, Cathedral Square.
View of The Press building, taken from the roof of the Warners Novotel, Cathedral Square.
Ferry Road, heading towards Redcliffs and Sumner.
Colombo Street looking south towards the Port Hills, taken from near the corner of Saint Asaph Street.
The corner of Saint Asaph Street and Colombo Street.
Ferry Road (The Causeway) , heading towards Redcliffs and Sumner.
Ferry Road, Woolston.
Corin Dann reporting from the Christchurch Art Gallery/Civil Defence Headquarters for TVNZ.
Corner of Hereford & High Street
Palmers Road, near the corner of Caithness Street, New Brighton, Christchurch.
The corner of Saint Asaph Street and Barbadoes Street.
The Press Building, Cathedral Square
A photograph of a section of a piece of street art on the wall of a building between Brighton Mall and Hawke Street. A message in this section reads, "Thank you , New Brighton. Transitional Economic Zone of Aotearoa".
A photograph of a section of a piece of street art on the wall of a building between Brighton Mall and Hawke Street. A message in this section reads, "Thank you kia ora, New Brighton. Transitional Economic Zone of Aotearoa".