Today (04/09/14) marks the fourth anniversary since the first earthquake rocked the city and greater Christchurch area. That first quake was magnitude 7.1, and luckily there was only one fatality (possible a heart attack). Since then we have had over 14,000 quakes, most very small in magnitude, but well over 500 of magnitude 4 or greater. 5...
20140522_8951_EOS M-22 Demolition Of what many in Christchurch know as the Millers building, but for many recent years was the home to the Christchurch City Council, till just a week or two before the first earthquake of 2010. Now, in mid-2014 it is finally being demolished after nearly 45 months empty. A bus is leaving the new (temporary) bu...
My house (bought in March 2004) till the government procured it in October 2012, is finally being demolished. It will be an empty section in a couple of days, once they rip up the concrete base. Note the rainbow on right.
The sign reads: The CTV Building was headquarters of Canterbury Television (CTV) and also housed King’s Education language School, a medical clinic, Hair Consultants, Relationship Services and a nursing school. On February 22nd 2011 the building collapsed as a result of a major earthquake. Sadly, 115 people who were in the building lost their l...
Another house has gone from Seabreeze Close, Pacific Park, Bexley, leaving just the concrete base, a few floor tiles and the smashed toilet (throne). Houses are being demolished (85%) or deconstructed/shifted (15%) as a result of land damage in the major earthquakes of 4th September 2010, 22nd February 2011, 13th June 2011 and 23rd December 2...
External stairs on the Forsyth Barr building in Christchurch. Portions of the internal stairwell collapsed during the earthquake of February 22nd 2011, necessitating use of various means of getting people out of the building. Was the fourth highest building in the city pre earthquakes, but it's future is uncertain. Was for sale "as is, where ...