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Images, UC QuakeStudies

The badly twisted Medway Street footbridge. The photographer comments, "The September 4th 2010 earthquake in Christchurch was so violent that the banks of the Avon River moved towards each other. This footbridge being metal had to twist sideways to release the pressure of being pushed from both river banks. It looked like it had been wrung out like a wet towel".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph looking through a broken window into a darkened room. Through windows opposite, an overgrown garden can be seen. The photographer comments, "This is a restaurant that was closed down and without any help the garden at the back has flourished".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Two aluminium drink cans which have split open. The photographer comments, "We had around 24 cans of diet coke in the top of the fridge when the devastating 6.1 earthquake hit Christchurch in New Zealand. The shaking caused one of the front feet of the fridge to fold, which made the fridge tip forward and causing the door to open. After all the shaking the cans had already when they flew out and hit the ground a lot of them exploded. These two cans show the explosive pressure that occurred best".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the sun shining through a stand of pine trees in New Brighton. Some of the trees are on a lean. The photographer comments, "Due to the Christchurch earthquakes and the land subsiding in this area the trees in this area will nearly all be cut down. So these may be the last tall trees to bathe in the sunshine for decades to come".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the Bandsmen's Memorial in Hagley Park. The photographer comments, "This memorial in Hagley Park in Christchurch can no longer be used due to large cracks at the base of most columns. This was mostly caused by the earthquake in February 2011, but later earthquakes have made the memorial even more dangerous".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The head of a digger resting on a pile of soil next to QEII Stadium. The photographer comments, "The deconstruction of the QEII stadium in Christchurch pauses on a Sunday".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a sign reading "A bit of dirt never hurt". The photographer comments, "This was a sign put up on a section of land in the Port of Lyttelton where an earthquake damaged building had been removed. The cliff at the back had collapsed down probably during the demolition process".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of broken windows on Shadbolt House. The photographer comments, "This was close to the start of the demolition of the earthquake damaged Shadbolt House building in the Port of Lyttelton, New Zealand. In the bright sun the glass reflected the blue sky, but the broken windows only reflected the blackness of the interior of the empty broken building".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of a shop security shutter. The photographer comments, "Sometimes before you feel the ground rolling any metal shutters around start their rattling noises as if someone is shaking them".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a daffodil placed on the gates of QEII Stadium. The photographer comments, "Someone placed a daffodil on the gates to the QEII Stadium in Christchurch. The stadium is being razed to the ground after being very badly damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes. Besides being a Commonwealth Games stadium it was also housed one of the best swimming pools in the region".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of an excavator demolishing a house. The photographer comments, "My neighbour I thought was going to be one of the first to be rebuilt in the area after being damaged in the 22 February 2011 earthquake, but the builders have knocked it down and not returned yet".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a fuse box. The photographer comments, "This is a fuse box that was in the middle of a field whilst the nearby stadium building was being demolished".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A black and white photograph of a partially demolished building. The remains of concrete slabs hang from reinforcing rods. The photographer comments, "Christchurch has a gallery of quake art on nearly every corner".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a fallen headstone. The photographer comments, "Since the September 2010 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand a lot of the headstones have fallen, but sadly a lot have not been resurrected to their former places".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The dome of the Isaac Theatre Royal covered in sheeting and suspended in the backstage area. In the foreground, a small digger sits on the bed of a truck, and a crane is visible to the left. The photographer comments, "This is the 'dome' of the Isaac Theatre Royal's heritage stage. The front section of the theatre has stayed and so has the back, but the middle has been completely demolished. The best way to hide a secret is in plain sight. Could this really be an ancient UFO stored secretly in the old theatre for decades and now exposed by the earthquake? Is the waiting crane and transporter ready to whip it away to another secret location in the dead of night?".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of light sculptures on Gloucester Street during the LuxCity event. The photographer comments, "This was part of the LuxCity event in Christchurch, New Zealand. It was a way of creating a city of lights on the sites of demolished buildings in the earthquake devastated red zone. 350 architecture and design students from all around New Zealand created and constructed 16 pop up spaces".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the high diving boards at QEII swimming pool. Rubble has fallen on the boards during the demolition of the complex. A sign reads "Poseidon Extreme". The photographer comments, "I do not know what Poseidon Extreme at this swimming pool looked like before the earthquake damaged it, but it looks really radical now during it's demolition. A strange coincidence is that Poseidon is referred to as 'Earth-Shaker' due to his role in causing earthquakes. So the demolition of this pool due to the series of quakes in Christchurch all seems to be foretold by the gods and that sign".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Corrogated roofing from the demolition of the QEII complex. The photographer comments, "This collection of galvanised roofing looks so photogenic as I walked around the partly demolished Queen Elizabeth stadium and swimming pool".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A protest sign painted on a fence shows a bulldozer labelled "Govt." driven by a woman (presumably representing Education Minister Hekia Parata) running over a sheep labelled "Chch schools", next to the words "Every time you close a school you have to build a jail - Mark Twain." The photographer comments, "Due to the earthquakes in Christchurch and parents leaving the area to give their children a quieter and more education friendly life a lot of the local schools especially in the East of Christchurch are to be closed or amalgamated. This was a decision by the government without consultation with any other authorities. Mark Twain actually said 'Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail'".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of twisted reinforcing rods amongst the rubble from the demolition of QEII. The photographer comments, "These rarely seen worms live in the pressurised earth under the foundations of buildings. They need a damp soil and be under at least 100 pounds of pressure per square inch. After the destructive force of an earthquake they swiftly rise to the surface through gaps in the rubble. Unfortunately they quickly die and then crystallise as hard as iron in the dry low pressure air".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the Lawrie and Wilson Auctioneers building on Tuam Street. The photographer comments, "This building at 210 Tuam Street is still off limits after the Christchurch earthquake. It has Lawrie and Wilson Auctioneers at the top and Christchurch City Council below. In the past it had a City Photography and at a different time a Parking Unit sign".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A man reads a sign posted on the door of the Christchurch Art Gallery, which reads "The gallery is currently closed to the public". The photographer comments, "Red Carded - A red-coloured card shown by a referee to a player, especially in soccer, to indicate that the player is being ejected from the pitch. The Christchurch Art Gallery has left the building. All the current and future exhibitions of the Art Gallery are being mainly held out of doors".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The entrance to the West Avon building on Montreal Street. The photographer comments, "This very wonderful Art Deco heritage building in Christchurch had residents living in it until another visit from the building engineers re-re-checking for earthquake damage. Now it is fenced off and on the list for possible demolition".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a shop window. A vase is visible in the window, and the sillhouette of a mannequin in the background. The photographer comments, "The title came from the pot and the E on the window. This is a building that has been off limits since the Christchurch earthquake. The E was sprayed on the window by rescue teams after searching the building and finding it was empty. This is a very old wooden building that looks OK from the front, but terrible from the side as the previously adjoined building has been demolished.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a damaged wooden wall. The photographer comments, "And the walls came tumbling down".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The feet of a fallen mannequin rest against a shop window. The photographer comments, "It is enough to make your toes curl. This is a mannequin that has been on its back since this clothing store was cleared out after the Christchurch earthquake. The store, which is in the earthquake red zone, has been off limits and untouched in the for two years".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Twisted reinforcing rods tangled in a pile of rubble. The photographer comments, "It is a horrible sight when a transformer runs out of electricity. Anyone got any jumper cables?".