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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A view down Beresford Street in New Brighton, looking west towards the city at sunset. The photographer comments, "On the other side of the Avon river from New Brighton is the Bexley red zone. Here numerous earthquake damaged streets of houses will be flattened due to it being to uneconomical in the current climate to repair the land to be suitable for housing. There is a campaign at the moment to try and convert all this red zone land, which is mainly adjacent to the Avon river to a giant park".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A box containing drilling cores from soil sampling. The photographer comments, "These are the samples from drilling near my home. As you can see they are not so much samples as sand piles. The drill in a nearby street went down 20m and it was sand all the way. This is the box of samples from the ground level to 4.6m deep".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The roof of this collapsed building on Atlas Lane has fallen almost intact on top of the rubble. The photographer comments, "Whenever I go past this place it reminds me of a sinking ship".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of a stencilled logo for the Christchurch School of Music. The photographer comments, "The Christchurch School of Music donated several old broken pianos to be placed on Gap Filler sites in Christchurch. Gap Filler make the land where buildings have been demolished into places the local inhabitants can enjoy. As in Maths two negatives make a positive".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Workers operate a drilling rig inside a Terra Probe truck, which has been raised on jacks to make it stable. The photographer comments, "Another completely different company testing what is below the surface to determine what type of foundations new houses will need. This is in one the blue/green area of earthquake shaken Christchurch. Strangely this is 3 metres away from where the other testing was done".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A large chess board made from sand and broken shells, with a painted beach scene on the wall behind. The photographer comments, "After all the suggestions put on the wall on what to do in this area, which was once an earthquake damaged shop, they have made the chess board, painted a seaside scene on the wall and created a small wall of tyres".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A small wooden cross is inserted between stones laid out in the shape of a large cross. The photographer comments, "This is an Earthquake Memorial on Manchester Street, Christchurch, New Zealand. This message is on the tree next to the memorial: 'Earthquake Memorial. 185 people died as a result of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. 185 precious lives are remembered here, with 185 pieces of Halswell stone recovered from St Luke's Church, damaged beyond repair on that day. May they rest in peace. St Luke's in the City'".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Spray-painted writing on the side of a car parking building reads "0 cars". The photographer comments, "Strangely and appropriately this graffiti was on a car park. In fact the graffiti was 100% correct as the car park is in the Christchurch earthquake red zone and there should be zero cars now inside it. It may have been put on by an anti car protester or just an indication that the car park is empty. One of the suggestions for the City plan for the rebuilt Christchurch was for a pedestrian and cycle only area, which also fits in with 0 CARS".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A badly damaged house in Burwood. Parts of the house have moved in different directions, leaving walls and doors misaligned. The photographer comments, "Although this looks like an extreme wide angle shot it is actually a house tilted in every direction at the same time. The earthquake caused the ground to vibrate and compress so much that the sandy soil liquefied and caused the ground to collapse under this modern home".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated of a digger's tread and bucket. The photographer comments, "There is nothing more excitable than a grown man with a big, big toy".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Large cracks run through the brick cladding of this house in Wainoni. The photographer comments, "During the numerous earthquakes in Christchurch the land which ran alongside the Avon river on Avonside Drive slumped towards the waterway. Houses which were wooden framed and had an external brick veneer started to sink into the liquefied soil. This caused the brick walls to crack, but the houses' occupants though shook up were saved by the wooden framework from the houses collapsing on them".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Broken windows on the Orion building on Manchester Street. The photographer comments, "Bob Brown's Hi-Fi was damaged, as you can see, in the Christchurch earthquake on the 22 February 2011. At lot of buildings in the area have been demolished, but this art deco style structure might have not have been put on the demolition list yet".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of a building on Poplar Lane. The photographer comments, "I felt that this building had a real Italian feel about it. It is actually in Christchurch, New Zealand. It appears on the list to be partially demolished after the Christchurch earthquake, so it might not be around for much longer".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of furniture and machinery. The photographer comments, "This furniture restoration company got caught in the middle of the Christchurch earthquake and lost a whole wall. After constant exposure to the elements everything now needs a bit of restoration. They are now working in a different part of Christchurch, but their past can still be seen".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The word 'faith' has been formed by flowers on the cordon fence beside St John the Baptist Church on Latimer Square. The photographer comments, "If I remember correctly this has been on the fence surrounding the Christchurch earthquake red zone for quite a while and looks remarkably pristine".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

An old advertising sign exposed by the demolition of an adjoining building. The photographer comments, "'Protect your investment. Paint your property regularly - and save money. Polson's decorators and sign writers.' The building that was adjacent to this one was demolished after the Christchurch earthquake and revealed this fabulous old wall sign.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

An elaborate graffiti tag sprayed on a wall beside a demolition site on Tuam Street. A collection of abandoned objects lie on the site. The photographer comments, "Graffiti spotted in the Christchurch earthquake red zone. What I liked was the odd mixture of bits and bobs around it".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A sign on a cordon fence on St Asaph Street reads "Stop. You must be inducted before entry." The photographer comments, "Safety comes first when it comes to demolition in the earthquake red zone in Christchurch, New Zealand".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of Michael Parekowhai's scuplture 'On First Looking into Chapman's Homer' on Madras Street. The photographer comments, "One of the two bulls on pianos by Michael Parekowhai called 'On First Looking into Chapman's Homer'. They have been placed on the site of a building that was demolished after earthquake damage.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a mannequin. The photographer comments, "During the Christchurch earthquake on 22 February 2011 a lot of people were seriously injured or killed because they run out of buildings. Falling masonry from the exterior of the buildings hit them, but if they had remained inside they would have probably been perfectly safe".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of two stained glass windows. The photographer comments, "This is an abstract of the stained glass window of St Peter's Church in Christchurch, New Zealand. The church was seriously damaged in the Christchurch earthquake".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A damaged house perched on the edge of the cliffs above Sumner. The photographer comments, "This house has slowly gone over the edge since the big earthquake in Christchurch in February 2011. Subsequent earthquakes has caused the rock face to crumble more and more".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of people in Re:Start Mall. The photographer comments, "In Christchurch there is a temporary mall that is made out of shipping containers. The containers painted in nice bright colours, colourful shade sails and various advertisements give the place a very merry feel".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Digitally manipulated image of graffiti on a brick building on St Asaph Street. The graffiti depicts a sticking plaster over a broken section of the wall, with the words "I'll kiss it better". The photographer comments, "After the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch band aid plasters starting to appear in different parts of the city on damaged buildings. A year later most can still be seen. This one was once a whole plaster, but it has slowly broken up where it crossed the gap. The red bricks seen to symbolise the terrible wounds caused to the City and it's people".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the damaged statue of Scott which was removed from its original site beside Worcester Boulevard for safekeeping. The photographer comments, "During the February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand the statue of Robert Falcon Scott broke across the ankles and most of the statue came crashing to the ground. To commemorate a 100 years of association with Antarctica Christchurch council has laid out for viewing the statue in a prostrate position. I was lucky to encounter the statue before it was put into its glass display enclosure".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a high-reach excavator demolishing a building. The photographer comments, "After the earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand the demolition of most of the City Centre began. After two years the government thought that the progress was far too slow, so began the start of the automatic demolition. Luckily when the solar powered demolition machines started to cause indiscriminate death and destruction they were isolated to the South Island and unable to cross the seas".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of diggers sitting on top of rubble beside the old Railway Station. The photographer comments, "Which one will be buried 6 foot under?".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of the badly twisted Medway Street footbridge. The photographer comments, "This bridge over the Avon River in Christchurch, New Zealand has been left in place since the first major earthquake back in September 2010. Graffiti artists or taggers are still leaving their marks on it even though it is nearly twisted at 90 degrees at one point".