A photograph of a film crew recording outside the Christchurch Art Gallery on Montreal Street. The Art Gallery was used as the temporary headquarters for Civil Defence after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of boxes and office supplies inside the Christchurch Art Gallery on Montreal Street. The Art Gallery was used as the temporary headquarters for Civil Defence after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of a crane parked in front of the earthquake-damaged ChristChurch Cathedral. The tower of the Cathedral has been partially demolished and a pile of rubble is sitting in front.
A photograph of a Christchurch City Council information poster titled, "Recovering after the earthquake". The poster has been stapled to a tree.
A photograph of volunteers from the Wellington Emergency Management Office preparing for their journey to Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of an earthquake-damaged house in Christchurch. The bricks on the side of the house have crumbled, exposing the inside.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to a residential street in Christchurch. Portaloos can be seen on both sides of the road.
A heart has been drawn in chalk on the wall of a residential property on Cannon Hill Crescent, Mt Pleasant. The time and date of the 22 February 2011 earthquake have been written inside.
Crowds gather in front of a large screen to watch Prime Minister John Key give a speech at the memorial service held in Latimer Square on the anniversary of the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Photos of Christchurch City LIbraries Outreach staff working in welfare centres following the February 22 earthquake. File ref: CCL-2011-02-27-OperationStoryTime-boys-with-book From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Earthquake-triggered soil liquefaction caused extensive damage and heavy economic losses in Christchurch during the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes. The most severe manifestations of liquefaction were associated with the presence of natural deposits of clean sands and silty sands of fluvial origin. However, liquefaction resistance of fines-containing sands is commonly inferred from empirical relationships based on clean sands (i.e. sands with less than 5% fines). Hence, existing evaluation methods have poor accuracy when applied to silty sands. The liquefaction behaviour of Christchurch fines-containing (silty) sands is investigated through a series of Direct Simple Shear (DSS) tests. This type of test better resembles earthquake loading conditions in soil deposits compared to cyclic triaxial tests. Soil specimens are reconstituted in the laboratory with the water sedimentation technique. This preparation method yields soil fabrics similar to those encountered in fluvial soil deposits, which are common in the Christchurch area. Test results provide preliminary indications on how void ratio, relative density, preparation method and fines content influence the cyclic liquefaction behaviour of sand-silt mixtures depending on the properties of host sand and silt.
Imagined landscapes find their form in utopian dreaming. As ideal places, utopias are set up according to the ideals of their designers. Inevitably, utopias become compromised when they move from the imaginary into the actual. Opportunities to create utopias rely largely on a blank slate, a landscape unimpeded by the inconveniences of existing occupation – or even topography. Christchurch has seen two utopian moments. The first was at the time of European settlement in the mid-nineteenth century, when imported ideals provided a model for a new city. The earthquakes of 2010 and 2011 provided a second point at which utopian dreaming spurred visions for the city. Christchurch’s earthquakes have provided a unique opportunity for a city to re-imagine itself. Yet, as is the fate for all imaginary places, reality got in the way.
A photograph of the platform for the Townsend Telescope amongst the rubble of the Observatory tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre. The tower collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake, severely damaging the telescope.
A photograph of a catered lunch for the emergency management personnel at the Christchurch Art Gallery. The Art Gallery was set up as the temporary Civil Defence headquarters after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of emergency management personnel eating dinner in the restaurant of the Christchurch Art Gallery. The Art Gallery was used as the temporary headquarters for Civil Defence after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Laura, Nicola, and Debra watch a sand volcano build in the Wyn Street gutter.
Bruce and his cage were sitting on top of the small wooden table on the right before the earthquake. He was understandably alarmed.
A photograph of a Singapore Rescue Team tent set up in Latimer Square after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
An entry from Jennifer Middendorf's blog for 30 August 2014 entitled, "A photographic tour of Christchurch".
Photos of Christchurch City LIbraries Outreach staff working in welfare centres following the February 22 earthquake. File ref: CCL-2011-02-27-OperationStoryTime-lynette-and-boys-on-bikes From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
File reference: CCL-2011-11-22-IMG_0784 PODattheShow November2011 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to Grenadier House on Madras Street. The glass windows have shattered and the section of wall between has buckled.
Children watch as the fence of Estuary Road Preschool is decorated with a hand-painted paper heart and flowers for the anniversary of the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A video of a presentation by Professor David Johnston during the fourth plenary of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. Johnston is a Senior Scientist at GNS Science and Director of the Joint Centre for Disaster Research in the School of Psychology at Massey University. The presentation is titled, "Understanding Immediate Human Behaviour to the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence, Implications for injury prevention and risk communication".The abstract for the presentation reads as follows: The 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquake sequences have given us a unique opportunity to better understand human behaviour during and immediately after an earthquake. On 4 September 2010, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred near Darfield in the Canterbury region of New Zealand. There were no deaths, but several thousand people sustained injuries and sought medical assistance. Less than 6 months later, a magnitude 6.2 earthquake occurred under Christchurch City at 12:51 p.m. on 22 February 2011. A total of 182 people were killed in the first 24 hours and over 7,000 people injured overall. To reduce earthquake casualties in future events, it is important to understand how people behaved during and immediately after the shaking, and how their behaviour exposed them to risk of death or injury. Most previous studies have relied on an analysis of medical records and/or reflective interviews and questionnaire studies. In Canterbury we were able to combine a range of methods to explore earthquake shaking behaviours and the causes of injuries. In New Zealand, the Accident Compensation Corporation (a national health payment scheme run by the government) allowed researchers to access injury data from over 9,500 people from the Darfield (4 September 2010) and Christchurch (22 February 2011 ) earthquakes. The total injury burden was analysed for demography, context of injury, causes of injury, and injury type. From the injury data inferences into human behaviour were derived. We were able to classify the injury context as direct (immediate shaking of the primary earthquake or aftershocks causing unavoidable injuries), and secondary (cause of injury after shaking ceased). A second study examined people's immediate responses to earthquakes in Christchurch New Zealand and compared responses to the 2011 earthquake in Hitachi, Japan. A further study has developed a systematic process and coding scheme to analyse earthquake video footage of human behaviour during strong earthquake shaking. From these studies a number of recommendations for injury prevention and risk communication can be made. In general, improved building codes, strengthening buildings, and securing fittings will reduce future earthquake deaths and injuries. However, the high rate of injuries incurred from undertaking an inappropriate action (e.g. moving around) during or immediately after an earthquake suggests that further education is needed to promote appropriate actions during and after earthquakes. In New Zealand - as in US and worldwide - public education efforts such as the 'Shakeout' exercise are trying to address the behavioural aspects of injury prevention.
A photograph of emergency management personnel exiting the car park of the earthquake-damaged Press House on Gloucester Street.
These research papers explore the concept of vulnerability in international human rights law. In the wake of the Christchurch earthquakes of 2010-2011, this research focuses on how "vulnerability" has been used and developed within the wider human rights discourse. They also examine jurisprudence of international human rights bodies, and how the concept of "vulnerability" has been applied. The research also includes a brief investigation into the experiences of vulnerable populations in disaster contexts, focusing primarily on the experiences of "vulnerable persons" in the Christchurch earthquakes and their aftermath.
INTRODUCTION This project falls under the Flagship 3: Wellington Coordinated Project. It supports other projects within FP3 to create a holistic understanding of risks posed by collapsed buildings due to future earthquake/s and the secondary consequences of cordoning in the short, mid and long term. Cordoning of the Christchurch CBD for more than two years and its subsequent implications on people and businesses had a significant impact on the recovery of Christchurch. Learning from this and experiences from the Kaikōura earthquake (where cordons were also established around selected buildings, Figure 3) have highlighted the need to understand the effects of cordons and plan for it before an earthquake occurs
A photograph of Mike Hewson's installation 'Homage to the Lost Spaces' on the earthquake-damaged Cranmer Courts building.
A photograph of Mike Hewson's installation 'Homage to the Lost Spaces' on the earthquake-damaged Cranmer Courts building.
A photograph of volunteers from the Wellington Emergency Management Office at the Christchurch Art Gallery. The Art Gallery was set up as the temporary headquarters for Civil Defence after the 4 September 2010 earthquake.